Kinase, in vitro: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs in non-living experimental conditions such as a test tube. For example, a purified enzyme is reacted with a substrate protein or mixture of proteins or peptides.

Akt1 S5-p
CK1A S806-p
JNK1 S198-p
PAK1 T659-p
PKACA S295-p
PKACA S295-p
 Putative in vivo kinases: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs within living cells; includes cultured cells, ex vivo samples, and intact organisms. In the case of kinases, the large number of protein kinases in intact cells makes exact identification of the responsible kinase challenging.

JNK1 S198-p
PAK1 S163-p , S198-p , T659-p
PKACA S295-p
Phosphatases, in vitro:
PTPN22 Y861-p
Putative upstream phosphatases:
PTPN22 Y861-p
Regulatory protein:
ANP S295-p
ATP S295-p , Y861-p
AZ13711265 T659-p
BNP S295-p
cGMP_analog S295-p
D4476 S806-p
dextran sulphate sodium Y861-p
FRAX597 T659-p
IPA-3 T659-p
KT5823 S295-p
LPS S198-p , S295-p , S806-p , Y861-p
monosodium urate S198-p , Y861-p
muramyl_dipeptide Y861-p
nigericin S198-p , S806-p
siRNA T659-p , S806-p