Putative in vivo kinases: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs within living cells; includes cultured cells, ex vivo samples, and intact organisms. In the case of kinases, the large number of protein kinases in intact cells makes exact identification of the responsible kinase challenging.

ERK1 S1710-p , S1809-p
ERK2 S1710-p , S1809-p
Regulatory protein:
OGT T956-p , S968-p
PRP4 T437-p , S657-p
TBK1 S678-p
angiotensin_2 S666-p , T670-p
antibody S430-p , T437-p , S1023-p
AZD1152 T956-p , S966-p , T1150-p
BI2536 S970-p
dasatinib T670-p , S678-p , S1081-p
EGF T437-p , S657-p , S666-p , S940-p , T1150-p , T1156-p
ischemia S430-p , T437-p , S646-p , S678-p , T1021-p , S1023-p , S1081-p , T1156-p
LRRK2-IN-1 T670-p
MG132_withdrawal S646-p , S1185-p , S1186-p , S1356-p , S1937-p
MLN8054 S970-p , T1156-p
nocodazole S430-p , T437-p , S657-p , S1045-p , S1081-p , T1134-p , T1150-p , T1156-p , S1985-p
SB202190 T437-p
selumetinib S430-p , T437-p , S537-p , T1203-p
SII_angiotensin_2 S678-p
U0126 T1150-p , T1156-p
vemurafenib S430-p , T437-p , S537-p
ZM447439 T956-p , S966-p , T1150-p