Kinase, in vitro: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs in non-living experimental conditions such as a test tube. For example, a purified enzyme is reacted with a substrate protein or mixture of proteins or peptides.

AurA S55-p , S69-p
AurB S44-p , S55-p
CDK1 T31-p
NEK1 S165-p
NEK2 S165-p
 Putative in vivo kinases: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs within living cells; includes cultured cells, ex vivo samples, and intact organisms. In the case of kinases, the large number of protein kinases in intact cells makes exact identification of the responsible kinase challenging.

AurA S44-p , S55-p , S69-p
AurB S5-p , S15-p , S44-p , T49-p , S55-p , S69-p
CDK1 T31-p
NEK2 S165-p
Phosphatases, in vitro:
PPP1CA S165-p
Regulatory protein:
53BP2 S165-p
AurB S44-p
BOD1 S55-p
Borealin S44-p
BUB1B S15-p , T31-p
BUB1 S44-p
CASC5 S44-p
Haspin S44-p
HP1 alpha S44-p
INCENP S44-p , S55-p , S69-p
KIF18A S55-p
NEK2 S165-p
PLK1 S50-p
PPP1R13B S165-p
PPP6C S55-p , S69-p
TPX2 S55-p , S69-p
TPX2 S55-p
TRAF4AF1 S69-p
AZ3146 T31-p
AZD1152 T31-p , S55-p , S69-p
BAY-320 S44-p
BI2536 T31-p , S55-p , T61-p
BTB-1 S55-p , S69-p
calyculin_A T31-p , S55-p
fostriecin S165-p
hyper-intrakinetochore_stretch S44-p , S55-p
IAA S55-p
INH154 S165-p
INH41 S165-p
MBM-5 S165-p
MKLP2i3 S55-p
MLN8054 S44-p , S55-p , T61-p , S69-p
MLN8237 T31-p , S55-p , S69-p
monastrol S44-p
nocodazole S5-p , S7-p , S15-p , T31-p , S44-p , T49-p , S50-p , S55-p , S69-p , S75-p , S76-p , S165-p
okadaic_acid T31-p , S165-p
RO-3306 T31-p
siRNA S55-p , S69-p
STLC S15-p , T31-p , S44-p , T49-p , S50-p , S55-p , S69-p , S75-p , S76-p
TAME S15-p , T31-p , S44-p , T49-p , S50-p , S55-p , S69-p , S75-p , S76-p
taxol S55-p , S66-p , S69-p , S165-p
UMK57 S55-p , S69-p
ZK-Thiazolidinone S44-p , S50-p , S55-p
ZM447439 T31-p , S44-p , S55-p , S69-p