Kinase, in vitro: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs in non-living experimental conditions such as a test tube. For example, a purified enzyme is reacted with a substrate protein or mixture of proteins or peptides.

PKCA S473-p
PKCE T308-p , S473-p
 Putative in vivo kinases: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs within living cells; includes cultured cells, ex vivo samples, and intact organisms. In the case of kinases, the large number of protein kinases in intact cells makes exact identification of the responsible kinase challenging.

PKCA S473-p
PKCZ T34-p
Phosphatases, in vitro:
PHLPP S473-p
PPP2CA T308-p , S473-p
SHP-1 S473-p
Regulatory protein:
ADCY6 T308-p , S473-p
AKAP12 S473-p
Akt1 T308-p , S473-p
ARRB1 T308-p
AS160 T308-p , S473-p
CREB S473-p
DISC1 S473-p
DUSP6 T308-p
DYN1 T308-p , S473-p
EEA1 T308-p , S473-p
FAK T308-p , S473-p
GJA1 T308-p , S473-p
GRK2 T308-p , S473-p
HMOX1 S473-p
HSP27 S473-p
ILK S473-p
IRS1 S473-p
IRS1 S473-p
IRS2 S473-p
ITGA5 S473-p
KRas S473-p
LKB1 S473-p
Mer S473-p
MKK4 S473-p
mTOR S473-p
MYDGF T308-p , S473-p
OGT S473-p
PIK3C2A S473-p
PIK3CA S473-p
PKCA T308-p
PKCA T308-p , S473-p
PKCB S473-p
PKCD S473-p
PKCD S473-p
RAC1 T308-p , S473-p
Raptor S473-p
Ren2 T308-p , S473-p
SHC1 T308-p , S473-p
SHIP-2 T308-p , S473-p
SHP-2 S473-p
Src S473-p
THY1 S473-p
TIMP3 T308-p , S473-p
TRB3 T308-p
extracellular vesicles T308-p
1,25D S473-p
1400W T308-p , S473-p
2-AP S473-p
2-deoxyglucose S473-p
3-chloroacetyl-indole S473-p
4-AP S473-p
4-HT S473-p
5-thio-glucose S473-p
6-OHDA S473-p
8-CPT-2Me-cAMP S473-p
8-OH-DPAT S473-p
8-Rp-cAMP S473-p
A-443654 T308-p , S473-p
A304000 S473-p
acadesine T308-p , S473-p
acetominophen S473-p
action_potential T308-p , S473-p
ADP T308-p , S473-p
adrenalectomy T308-p , S473-p
adriamycin S473-p
AEBSF T308-p , S473-p
AG1024 S473-p
AG1296 S473-p
AG1478 T308-p , S473-p
AG879 T308-p , S473-p
Akt-I-1,2 T308-p , S473-p
Akt_inhibitor_VIII T308-p
Akt_inhibitor_X T308-p , S473-p
AlCl3 S473-p
alloxan S473-p
amino_acid_starvation T308-p , S473-p
amino_acids T308-p , S473-p
angiopoietin-1 S473-p
angiopoietin-2 T308-p , S473-p
angiotensin S473-p
angiotensin_2 T308-p , S473-p
anisomycin S473-p
antibody T308-p , S473-p
API-2 S473-p
APV T308-p , S473-p
aripiprazole T308-p , S473-p
artery ligation S473-p
asbestos S473-p
ATP T308-p
AZD5363 T308-p , S473-p
BADGP S473-p
BBG S473-p
BDNF T308-p , S473-p
berberine S473-p
beta-amyloid_25-35 T308-p , S473-p
betacellulin S473-p
bicuculline S473-p
bleomycin T308-p
blood pressure S473-p
BRL37344 T308-p
bromocriptine S473-p
bryostatin_1 T308-p , S473-p
buspirone S473-p
C2-ceramide T308-p , S473-p
C5b-9 S473-p
calyculin_A T308-p , S473-p
cAMP_analog T308-p , S473-p
cariporide S473-p
CDDO-Me S473-p
cell_adhesion S473-p
cell_detachment S473-p
ceramide T34-p , T308-p , S473-p
cGMP_analog S473-p
cholecystokinin S473-p
ciclosporin T308-p
cisplatin T308-p , S473-p
clopidogrel T308-p , S473-p
Clostridium_lethal_toxin S473-p
Clostridium_toxin_B S473-p
clozapine T308-p , S473-p
CNQX T308-p , S473-p
colforsin T308-p , S473-p
compound_401 T308-p , S473-p
compound_C T308-p , S473-p
copper S473-p
CORM-2 S473-p
CPA S473-p
CT98014 S473-p
culturing_of_cells S473-p
curcumin S473-p
cyclic_stretch S473-p
D-allulose S473-p
deferoxamine S473-p
DEHP T308-p , Y315-p
deoxygenation S473-p
depolarization T308-p , S473-gl
development S473-p
dexamethasone S473-p
DHC T308-p , S473-p
DHEA S473-p
DiC8 T308-p , S473-p
DTG S473-p
eflornithine S473-p
EGF T308-p , S473-p
EGTA S473-p
electrical_stimulation T308-p , S473-p
Electroacupuncture S473-p
endothelin S473-p
erbstatin T308-p
estradiol T308-p , S473-p
ethanol T308-p , S473-p
exenatide S473-p
exercise T308-p , S473-p
fasting T308-p , S473-p
fibronectin S473-p
FK506 T308-p
fluid_shear_stress S473-p
fluorouracil S473-p
fMLP T308-p , S473-p
food deprivation S473-p
fructose-rich diet S473-p
furosemide S473-p
G-1 S473-p
genistein T308-p
GF109203X T308-p , S473-p
ghrelin T308-p , S473-p
GLP-2 T308-p , S473-p
glucagon T308-p , S473-p
glucosamine S473-p
glucose T308-p , S473-p
glucose_oxidase T308-p , S473-p
glucose_starvation T308-p
glutamic acid S473-p
Go_6976 S473-p
Go_6983 S473-p
Gynostemma_Extract T308-p , S473-p
H-89 S473-p
H2O2 T308-p , S473-p
HA-1077 T308-p
haloperidol T308-p , S473-p
heating T308-p , S473-p
hemorrhage S473-p
heregulin S473-p
HGF S473-p
high-fat diet S473-p
hirudin S473-p
HM-chromanone S473-p
Hydroxypropyl_Cellulose S473-p
hypertension T308-p , S473-p
hypoxia T308-p , S473-p
hypoxia/reoxygenation T308-p , S473-p
IGF-1 T308-p , S473-gl
IGF-2 S473-p
indinavir T308-p
insulin T308-p , T450-p , S473-p
Intralipid T308-p , S473-p
ipsapirone S473-p
IR-A48 T308-p , S473-p
irbesartan T308-p , S473-p
ischemia T308-p , S473-p
ischemia/reperfusion T308-p , S473-p
iso-PPADS S473-p
isoproterenol S473-p
kainic_acid T308-p , S473-p
KN-62 T308-p , S473-p
KN-92 S473-p
L-NAME S473-p
laminin-1 S473-p
laser_treatment T308-p , S473-p
leptin T308-p , S473-p
leucine T308-p , S473-p
leucovorin S473-p
liothyronine S473-p
lithium T308-p , S473-p
liver ischemic postconditioning S473-p
Longdan Xiegan Tang S473-p
loquat leaf extract S473-p
LY294002 T308-p , S473-gl
lysophosphatidylcholine S473-p
maduramicin T308-p , S473-p
MCAO/R T308-p , S473-p
MCTP S473-p
meal feeding T308-p , S473-p
mechanical stress S473-p
metamfetamine S473-p
metformin T308-p , S473-p
metoprolol T308-p , S473-p
MK-2206 T308-p , S473-p
morin S473-p
MPP+ S473-p
MRS_2179 S473-p
muscle atrophy S473-p
muscle contraction T308-p , S473-p
mutation T308-p
myricetin T308-p , S473-p
N-ethylmaleimede T308-p , S473-p
NAC T308-p , S473-p
Naringenin T308-p , S473-p
nelfinavir T308-p
neuregulin S473-p
neurotrophin-3 S473-p
neurotrophin-4 S473-p
NGF S473-p
NH4Cl S473-p
NKH_477 S473-p
normal chow diet T308-p
NSC23766 S473-p
nTZD T308-p
obesity-inducing diet S473-p
OGD/R T308-p , S473-p
okadaic_acid T308-p , S473-p
olanzapine S473-p
oleic_acid T308-p , S473-p
osmotic_stress S473-p
osmotin S473-p
OXO S473-p
p18_peptide S473-p
painful stimulus S473-p
palmitate T308-p , S473-p
PCP S473-p
PD169316 T308-p , S473-p
PD98059 T308-p , S473-p
PDGF T308-p , S473-p
Peganum harmala S473-p
phenylephrine T308-p , S473-p
phorbol_ester T308-p , S473-p
piclidenoson S473-p
PIK90 T308-p , T450-p , S473-p
pioglitazone T308-p , S473-p
PKI S473-p
PKI-(14-22)amide S473-p
pleiotrophin S473-p
PP1 T308-p , S473-p
PP2 S473-p
PP242 T308-p , T450-p , S473-p
PP3 S473-p
PP30 T308-p , S473-p
PPACK S473-p
pramipexole S473-p
PRL S473-p
PTX S473-p
PUGNAc S473-p
rapalink1 S473-p
rapamycin T308-p , T450-p , S473-p
reelin T308-p , S473-p
refeeding T308-p , S473-p
renal ischemia/reperfusion injury S473-p
resistin T308-p , S473-p
resveratrol S473-p
RGDS S473-p
Ro-32-0432 T308-p , S473-p
Ro31-8220 T34-p , T308-p , S473-p
ROCK inhibitor II S473-p
rosiglitazone T308-p , S473-p
rosuvastatin S473-p
rottlerin S473-p
RS5444 S473-p
salicylate T308-p , S473-p
saquinavir T308-p
SB202190 S473-p
SB203580 S473-p
seliciclib S473-p
sepsis T308-p , S473-p
serum T308-p , S473-p
sildenafil S473-p
siRNA T308-p , S473-p
SMI11293 S473-p
SN-50 S473-p
SP600125 T308-p , S473-p
spironolactone T308-p , S473-p
staurosporine T308-p , S473-p
Strictosamide S473-p
sulforaphane S473-p
T11TS T308-p
tamoxifen S473-p
tauroursodeoxycholic_acid S473-p
tautomycin S473-p
TCDD T308-p
TCH-116 T308-p , S473-p
testosterone S473-p
TeTx T308-p , S473-p
TGF-alpha T308-p , S473-p
TGF-beta T308-p , S473-p
thrombin T308-p , S473-p
TMCB S473-p
TNF T308-p , S473-p
TNP-OVA S473-p
TPCK S473-p
trauma S473-p
tri-nitrobenzene_sulfonic_acid S473-p
trifluoperazine T308-p , S473-p
triterpenoid saponins from Ilex cornuta T308-p , S473-p
TSH S473-p
U0126 T308-p , S473-p
U73122 T308-p , S473-p
UCN-01 T308-p , S473-p
urofollitropin T308-p , S473-p
V-100 T308-p , S473-p
V-150 T308-p , S473-p
vanadate S473-p
VEGF S473-p
vitronectin S473-p
VX702 S473-p
whey protein diet S473-p
wortmannin T308-p , S473-gl
Y27632 S473-p
Yoda1 S473-p