Kinase, in vitro: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs in non-living experimental conditions such as a test tube. For example, a purified enzyme is reacted with a substrate protein or mixture of proteins or peptides.

ERK1 S552-p
 Putative in vivo kinases: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs within living cells; includes cultured cells, ex vivo samples, and intact organisms. In the case of kinases, the large number of protein kinases in intact cells makes exact identification of the responsible kinase challenging.

EGFR Y285-p , Y307-p , Y373-p , Y407-p , Y448-p , Y473-p , Y590-p , Y628-p , Y660-p
Met Y285-p , Y307-p , Y373-p , Y407-p , Y448-p , Y473-p , Y590-p , Y628-p , Y660-p
Phosphatases, in vitro:
PTP1B Y628-p
Regulatory protein:
ADRB1 S420-p
Akt1 Y628-p
CXCL12 Y307-p , Y628-p
CXCL13 Y307-p , Y628-p
PTP1B Y83-p , Y285-p , Y373-p , Y407-p , Y448-p , Y473-p , Y590-p , Y660-p
Pyk2 Y259-p , Y628-p , Y660-p
Src iso1 Y407-p
conditioned medium Y307-p , Y628-p
EGF Y259-p , Y285-p , Y307-p , Y373-p , Y407-p , Y628-p , Y660-p
Epo S552-p , Y628-p
H2O2 Y448-p , Y473-p , Y590-p , Y628-p
HGF Y307-p , Y373-p , Y407-p
ibrutinib Y307-p
insulin Y259-p , S266-p , S304-p , T312-p , T388-p , S403-p , T412-p , S420-p , S440-p , T504-p , S552-p , Y628-p , S649-p , S652-p , Y660-p , S684-p
LPS S266-p
LY294002 T388-p , S420-p , Y628-p , S649-p , S652-p , S684-p
MK-2206 T504-p , S684-p
PDGF Y285-p , Y660-p
PF-4594755 Y259-p , Y628-p , Y660-p
plerixafor Y307-p , Y628-p
PTP1B_inhibitor Y628-p
U0126 S552-p , Y628-p