Kinase, in vitro: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs in non-living experimental conditions such as a test tube. For example, a purified enzyme is reacted with a substrate protein or mixture of proteins or peptides.

Akt1 S432-p
CDK1 S432-p
ERK1 S432-p
ERK2 S432-p
JNK1 S432-p
MEK1 S74-p
MEK2 S74-p
P38A S74-p
PKCD S74-p
 Putative in vivo kinases: 

An enzyme-substrate reaction that occurs within living cells; includes cultured cells, ex vivo samples, and intact organisms. In the case of kinases, the large number of protein kinases in intact cells makes exact identification of the responsible kinase challenging.

AurB T6-p
CDK1 S432-p
ERK1 S432-p
ERK2 S432-p
JNK1 S74-p
P38A S74-p
Phosphatases, in vitro:
PPP2CA S74-p , S432-p
PTP1B Y267-p
PTP4A3 S74-p , S432-p
Regulatory protein:
Akt1 S432-p
CDC16 S432-p
ERK1 S432-p
ERK2 S432-p
JNK1 S74-p
LTB4R2 S432-p
OGT S34-p
periplakin S432-p
PLK1 S400-p
RHEBL1 S432-p
TGM2 S432-p
YDJC S432-p
anisomycin S74-p
AZD1152 S432-p
BI2536 S258-p , S274-p , S410-p , S445-p
BIRB-0796 S74-p
Bupleurum_scorzonerifolium_extract S74-p
butyrate K11-ac , K101-ac , K393-ac , K472-ac , K483-ac
ceruletide S432-p
ciclosporin S432-p
compound_A S432-p
culturing_of_cells S432-p
cystamine S432-p
DEN S74-p , S432-p
DMNQ S74-p
EGF S43-p , S74-p , Y267-p , S432-p
etoposide S74-p
Fas S74-p
fluid_shear_stress S74-p
gefitinib Y267-p
griseofulvin S74-p
heat_shock S74-p , S432-p
HGF Y25-p , T26-p , Y267-p
high_cell_density S74-p , S432-p
hypertonic_buffer S74-p , S432-p
hypotonic_buffer S74-p , S432-p
icomucret S432-p
IL-10 S432-p
ischemia S9-p , S13-p , S34-p , S43-p , T131-p , S315-p , S425-p , T431-p , S475-p
Leukamenin E S74-p , S432-p
LTB4 S432-p
menadione S74-p
metastatic potential S37-p
MK-2206 S432-p
MLN8054 S354-p
MMS S74-p
nocodazole Y228-p , S400-p , S478-p
okadaic_acid S74-p , S432-p
PD98059 S74-p , S432-p
PHA-781089 S74-p
PRL-3_inhibitor S74-p , S432-p
PTP1B_inhibitor Y267-p
SB202190 S74-p
SB203580 S74-p , S432-p
scratch wound S432-p
serum S432-p
serum_starvation S74-p
SP600125 S432-p
sphingosylphosphorylcholine S432-p
tautomycin S432-p
tetracycline S432-p
U0126 S74-p , S432-p
UV S74-p
vanadate S74-p
virus infection S74-p , S432-p
vorinostat K207-ac , K347-ac
ZK-Thiazolidinone S400-p
ZM447439 S432-p