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Home > Phosphorylation Site Page: > Ser186  -  USF1 (mouse)

Site Information
APRTHPysPKSEAPR   SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Blast this site against: NCBI  SwissProt  PDB 
Site Group ID: 15428820

In vivo Characterization
Methods used to characterize site in vivo:
mass spectrometry ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 )
Disease tissue studied:
brain cancer ( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ) , neuroendocrine cancer ( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 )
Relevant cell line - cell type - tissue:
'3T3-L1, differentiated' (adipocyte) ( 1 ) , brain ( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ) , liver ( 3 ) , liver [leptin (mouse), homozygous knockout] ( 3 ) , pancreas ( 8 ) , stromal ( 2 )

Upstream Regulation
ischemia ( 2 )



Minard AY, et al. (2016) mTORC1 Is a Major Regulatory Node in the FGF21 Signaling Network in Adipocytes. Cell Rep 17, 29-36
27681418   Curated Info


Mertins P, et al. (2014) Ischemia in tumors induces early and sustained phosphorylation changes in stress kinase pathways but does not affect global protein levels. Mol Cell Proteomics 13, 1690-704
24719451   Curated Info


Grimsrud PA, et al. (2012) A quantitative map of the liver mitochondrial phosphoproteome reveals posttranslational control of ketogenesis. Cell Metab 16, 672-83
23140645   Curated Info


Guo A (2011) CST Curation Set: 12736; Year: 2011; Biosample/Treatment: tissue, brain/untreated; Disease: brain cancer; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: PXpSP, pSPX(K/R) Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrates (PXSP or SPXR/K) (34B2) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 2325, PTMScan(R) Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrate Motif (PXS*P, S*PXK/R) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1982
Curated Info


Guo A (2011) CST Curation Set: 12737; Year: 2011; Biosample/Treatment: tissue, brain/untreated; Disease: brain cancer; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: PXpSP, pSPX(K/R) Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrates (PXSP or SPXR/K) (34B2) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 2325, PTMScan(R) Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrate Motif (PXS*P, S*PXK/R) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1982
Curated Info


Guo A (2011) CST Curation Set: 12738; Year: 2011; Biosample/Treatment: tissue, brain/untreated; Disease: brain cancer; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: PXpSP, pSPX(K/R) Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrates (PXSP or SPXR/K) (34B2) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 2325, PTMScan(R) Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrate Motif (PXS*P, S*PXK/R) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1982
Curated Info


Guo A (2011) CST Curation Set: 12739; Year: 2011; Biosample/Treatment: tissue, brain/untreated; Disease: brain cancer; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: PXpSP, pSPX(K/R) Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrates (PXSP or SPXR/K) (34B2) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 2325, PTMScan(R) Phospho-MAPK/CDK Substrate Motif (PXS*P, S*PXK/R) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1982
Curated Info


Huttlin EL, et al. (2010) A tissue-specific atlas of mouse protein phosphorylation and expression. Cell 143, 1174-89
21183079   Curated Info