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Home > Phosphorylation Site Page: > Thr25  -  SMN (human)

Site Information
sVLFRrGtGQsDDsD   SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Blast this site against: NCBI  SwissProt  PDB 
Site Group ID: 484165

In vivo Characterization
Methods used to characterize site in vivo:
mass spectrometry ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 36 , 37 , 38 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 , 43 , 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 ) , mutation of modification site ( 7 )
Disease tissue studied:
breast cancer ( 2 , 5 , 11 ) , HER2 positive breast cancer ( 1 ) , luminal A breast cancer ( 1 ) , luminal B breast cancer ( 1 ) , breast cancer, triple negative ( 1 ) , gastric cancer ( 47 ) , gastric carcinoma ( 47 ) , leukemia ( 26 ) , chronic myelogenous leukemia ( 26 ) , hepatocellular carcinoma, surrounding tissue ( 29 ) , lung cancer ( 12 , 21 , 24 ) , non-small cell lung cancer ( 12 , 21 ) , non-small cell lung adenocarcinoma ( 21 ) , lymphoma ( 6 ) , Burkitt's lymphoma ( 6 ) , follicular lymphoma ( 6 ) , mantle cell lymphoma ( 6 ) , melanoma skin cancer ( 3 )
Relevant cell line - cell type - tissue:
293 (epithelial) [ADRB1 (human), no information, overexpresses human beta1-adrenergic (ß1AR- HEK293)] ( 45 ) , 293 (epithelial) [AT1 (human), transfection, AT1R stable transfected HEK293] ( 27 ) , 293 (epithelial) [AT1 (human), transfection] ( 25 ) , 293 (epithelial) ( 14 , 15 , 16 , 38 ) , 293E (epithelial) ( 20 ) , A498 (renal) ( 28 ) , BJAB (B lymphocyte) ( 6 ) , breast ( 1 ) , Calu 6 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , Chang liver (cervical) ( 46 ) , CL1-0 (pulmonary) ( 24 ) , CL1-1 (pulmonary) ( 24 ) , CL1-2 (pulmonary) ( 24 ) , CL1-5 (pulmonary) ( 24 ) , FL-318 (B lymphocyte) ( 6 ) , H2009 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , H2077 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , H2887 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , H322M (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HCC1359 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HCC2279 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HCC366 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HCC4006 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HCC78 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HCC827 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HCT116 (intestinal) ( 37 ) , HeLa (cervical) ( 4 , 7 , 10 , 23 , 40 , 44 , 45 ) , HeLa S3 (cervical) ( 43 ) , hepatocyte-liver ( 29 ) , HepG2 (hepatic) ( 33 , 35 , 36 ) , HMLER ('stem, breast cancer') [CXCR4 (human), knockdown] ( 5 ) , HMLER ('stem, breast cancer') ( 5 ) , HOP62 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , HUES-7 ('stem, embryonic') ( 34 ) , HUES-9 ('stem, embryonic') ( 22 ) , Jurkat (T lymphocyte) ( 9 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 30 , 41 , 42 ) , K562 (erythroid) ( 10 , 26 ) , LCLC-103H (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , liver ( 8 ) , LOU-NH91 (squamous) ( 12 ) , MCF-7 (breast cell) ( 2 ) , MKN-45 (gastric) ( 47 ) , MV4-11 (macrophage) ( 37 ) , NCI-H1395 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H1568 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H157 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H1648 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H1666 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H2030 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H2073 (pulmonary) ( 21 ) , NCI-H2172 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H322 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , NCI-H3255 (pulmonary) ( 31 , 32 ) , NCI-H460 (pulmonary) ( 12 , 39 ) , NCI-H520 (squamous) ( 12 ) , NCI-H647 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , PC9 (pulmonary) ( 12 ) , SKBr3 (breast cell) ( 11 ) , UPN-1 (B lymphocyte) ( 6 ) , WM239A (melanocyte) ( 3 )

Upstream Regulation
BI2536 ( 23 ) , metastatic potential ( 24 )

Downstream Regulation
Effects of modification on SMN:
intracellular localization ( 7 ) , molecular association, regulation ( 7 )
Induce interaction with:
coilin (human) ( 7 )



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Mulhern D (2011) CST Curation Set: 12826; Year: 2011; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, HEK 293/WYE-354; Disease: -; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-(Ser/Thr) AMPK Substrate (P-S/T(2)-102) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 5759, PTMScan(R) Phospho-AMPK Substrate Motif (LXRXXS*/T*) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 5760
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Mulhern D (2011) CST Curation Set: 12831; Year: 2011; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, HEK 293/untreated; Disease: -; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-(Ser/Thr) AMPK Substrate (P-S/T(2)-102) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 5759, PTMScan(R) Phospho-AMPK Substrate Motif (LXRXXS*/T*) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 5760
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Mulhern D (2011) CST Curation Set: 12748; Year: 2011; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, Jurkat/calyculin_A & pervanadate; Disease: T cell leukemia; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-Akt Substrate (RXRXXS/T) (110B7) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 9614, PTMScan(R) Phospho-Akt Substrate Motif (RXXS*/T*) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1978
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Possemato A (2009) CST Curation Set: 7415; Year: 2009; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, NCI-H3255/untreated; Disease: non-small cell lung cancer; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-(Ser/Thr) PKD Substrate Antibody Cat#: 4381, PTMScan(R) Phospho-PKD Substrate Motif (LXRXXpS/pT) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1986
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Possemato A (2009) CST Curation Set: 7416; Year: 2009; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, NCI-H3255/untreated; Disease: non-small cell lung cancer; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-(Ser/Thr) PKD Substrate Antibody Cat#: 4381, PTMScan(R) Phospho-PKD Substrate Motif (LXRXXpS/pT) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1986
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Possemato A (2009) CST Curation Set: 7408; Year: 2009; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, HepG2/untreated; Disease: hepatocellular carcinoma; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-(Ser/Thr) PKD Substrate Antibody Cat#: 4381, PTMScan(R) Phospho-PKD Substrate Motif (LXRXXpS/pT) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1986
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Possemato A (2009) CST Curation Set: 7390; Year: 2009; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, HepG2/-; Disease: hepatocellular carcinoma; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST]
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Possemato A (2009) CST Curation Set: 7389; Year: 2009; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, HepG2/-; Disease: hepatocellular carcinoma; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST]
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Possemato A (2008) CST Curation Set: 5711; Year: 2008; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, Jurkat/calyculin_A & pervanadate; Disease: T cell leukemia; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: p[ST](D/E)
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Moritz A (2008) CST Curation Set: 4209; Year: 2008; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, MKN-45/untreated; Disease: gastric carcinoma; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RXXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-Akt Substrate (RXRXXS/T) (110B7) Rabbit mAb Cat#: 9614, PTMScan(R) Phospho-Akt Substrate Motif (RXXS*/T*) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1978
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