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Home > Phosphorylation Site Page: > Thr24  -  SRC-3 (human)

Site Information
KRKLPCDtPGQGLtC   SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Blast this site against: NCBI  SwissProt  PDB 
Site Group ID: 454110

In vivo Characterization
Methods used to characterize site in vivo:
immunoprecipitation ( 6 ) , mass spectrometry ( 4 ) , mutation of modification site ( 1 , 5 , 6 ) , phospho-antibody ( 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 ) , western blotting ( 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 )
Disease tissue studied:
breast cancer ( 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 ) , breast ductal carcinoma ( 1 )
Relevant cell line - cell type - tissue:

Upstream Regulation
Regulatory protein:
ER-alpha (human) ( 6 ) , HER2 (human) ( 2 )
Kinases, in vitro:
JNK1 (human) ( 6 ) , NLK (human) ( 1 )
Putative upstream phosphatases:
PDXP (human) ( 5 ) , PPP1CA (human) ( 5 ) , PPP2CA (human) ( 5 )
ATP ( 3 ) , estradiol ( 5 , 6 ) , NU7441 ( 3 ) , siRNA ( 6 )

Downstream Regulation
Effects of modification on SRC-3:
molecular association, regulation ( 6 )
Effects of modification on biological processes:
carcinogenesis, induced ( 1 ) , cell growth, induced ( 1 ) , transcription, induced ( 1 , 3 )
Inhibit interaction with:
ER-alpha (human) ( 6 )



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