SIPA1L3 Plays a critical role in epithelial cell morphogenesis, polarity, adhesion and cytoskeletal organization in the lens. Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB.
Protein type: GAP; GAP, Ras
Chromosomal Location of human Ortholog: 19q13.13-q13.2
Cellular Component:  apical part of cell; apical plasma membrane; cytoplasm; Golgi apparatus; nucleoplasm; plasma membrane; stress fiber; tricellular tight junction
Molecular Function:  GTPase activator activity; protein binding
Biological Process:  activation of GTPase activity; cytoskeleton organization; epithelial cell morphogenesis; establishment of epithelial cell polarity; eye development; hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation; regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction
Disease: Cataract 45
Reference #:  O60292 (UniProtKB)
Alt. Names/Synonyms: CTRCT45; KIAA0545; SI1L3; signal induced proliferation associated 1 like 3; signal-induced proliferation-associated 1 like 3; Signal-induced proliferation-associated 1-like protein 3; SIPA1-like protein 3; SIPA1L3; SPA-1-like 3; SPA-1-like protein 3; SPAL3; SPAR3; spine-associated RapGAP 3
Gene Symbols: SIPA1L3
Molecular weight: 194,610 Da
Basal Isoelectric point: 8.57  Predict pI for various phosphorylation states
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Cross-references to other databases:  AlphaFold  |  STRING  |  cBioPortal  |  Wikipedia  |  neXtProt  |  Protein Atlas  |  BioGPS  |  Pfam  |  Phospho.ELM  |  NetworKIN  |  UniProtKB  |  Entrez-Gene  |  GenPept  |  Ensembl Gene  |  Ensembl Protein