Kv4.3 Pore-forming (alpha) subunit of voltage-gated rapidly inactivating A-type potassium channels. May contribute to I(To) current in heart and I(Sa) current in neurons. Channel properties are modulated by interactions with other alpha subunits and with regulatory subunits. Belongs to the potassium channel family. D (Shal) (TC 1.A.1.2) subfamily. Kv4.3/KCND3 sub-subfamily. Highly expressed in heart and brain, in particular in cortex, cerebellum, amygdala and caudate nucleus. Detected at lower levels in liver, skeletal muscle, kidney and pancreas. Isoform 1 predominates in most tissues. Isoform 1 and isoform 2 are detected at similar levels in brain, skeletal muscle and pancreas. 2 alternatively spliced human isoforms have been reported. Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB.
Protein type: Channel, potassium; Membrane protein, integral; Membrane protein, multi-pass
Chromosomal Location of human Ortholog: 1p13.2
Cellular Component:  dendritic spine; GABA-ergic synapse; neuronal cell body; plasma membrane; postsynaptic membrane; postsynaptic specialization membrane; sarcolemma; voltage-gated potassium channel complex
Molecular Function:  A-type (transient outward) potassium channel activity; metal ion binding; protein binding; transmembrane transporter binding; voltage-gated potassium channel activity; voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization; voltage-gated potassium channel activity involved in ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential repolarization
Biological Process:  membrane repolarization; membrane repolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential; membrane repolarization during ventricular cardiac muscle cell action potential; potassium ion export across plasma membrane; potassium ion transport; protein homooligomerization; regulation of heart rate by cardiac conduction; regulation of monoatomic ion transmembrane transport; ventricular cardiac muscle cell membrane repolarization
Disease: Brugada Syndrome 9; Spinocerebellar Ataxia 19
Reference #:  Q9UK17 (UniProtKB)
Alt. Names/Synonyms: BRGDA9; KCND3; KCND3L; KCND3S; KSHIVB; KV4.3; MGC142035; MGC142037; potassium channel, voltage gated Shal related subfamily D, member 3; potassium ionic channel Kv4.3; potassium voltage-gated channel long; Potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily D member 3; potassium voltage-gated channel, Shal-related subfamily, member 3; SCA19; SCA22; sha1-related potassium channel Kv4.3; voltage-gated K+ channel; voltage-gated potassium channel Kv4.3; Voltage-gated potassium channel subunit Kv4.3
Gene Symbols: KCND3
Molecular weight: 73,451 Da
Basal Isoelectric point: 8.56  Predict pI for various phosphorylation states
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