FRMD4B Member of GRP1 signaling complexes that are acutely recruited to plasma membrane ruffles in response to insulin receptor signaling. May function as a scaffolding protein that regulates epithelial cell polarity by connecting ARF6 activation with the PAR3 complex. Plays a redundant role with FRMD4A in epithelial polarization. 2 alternatively spliced human isoforms have been reported. Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB.
Protein type: Cytoskeletal
Chromosomal Location of human Ortholog: 3p14.1
Cellular Component:  adherens junction; bicellular tight junction; cytoplasm; cytoskeleton; ruffle
Biological Process:  establishment of epithelial cell polarity
Reference #:  Q9Y2L6 (UniProtKB)
Alt. Names/Synonyms: 6030440G05Rik; FERM domain containing 4B; FERM domain-containing protein 4B; FRM4B; FRMD4B; GRP1-binding protein GRSP1; GRSP1; KIAA1013
Gene Symbols: FRMD4B
Molecular weight: 118,047 Da
Basal Isoelectric point: 8.79  Predict pI for various phosphorylation states
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Cross-references to other databases:  AlphaFold  |  STRING  |  cBioPortal  |  Wikipedia  |  neXtProt  |  Protein Atlas  |  BioGPS  |  Pfam  |  Phospho.ELM  |  NetworKIN  |  UniProtKB  |  Entrez-Gene  |  GenPept  |  Ensembl Gene  |  Ensembl Protein