coilin Component of nuclear coiled bodies, also known as Cajal bodies or CBs, which are involved in the modification and assembly of nucleoplasmic snRNPs. Belongs to the coilin family. Found in all the cell types examined. Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB.
Protein type: Oxidoreductase
Chromosomal Location of human Ortholog: 17q22
Cellular Component:  Cajal body; cytosol; fibrillar center; nuclear body; nucleolus; nucleoplasm; nucleus
Molecular Function:  identical protein binding; protein binding; U1 snRNA binding; U2 snRNA binding
Biological Process:  spliceosomal snRNP assembly
Reference #:  P38432 (UniProtKB)
Alt. Names/Synonyms: CLN80; COIL; Coilin; coilin p80; p80; p80-coilin
Gene Symbols: COIL
Molecular weight: 62,608 Da
Basal Isoelectric point: 9.2  Predict pI for various phosphorylation states
Protein-Specific Antibodies, siRNAs or Recombinant Proteins from Cell Signaling Technology® Total Proteins
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Cross-references to other databases:  AlphaFold  |  STRING  |  cBioPortal  |  Wikipedia  |  neXtProt  |  Protein Atlas  |  BioGPS  |  Pfam  |  Phospho.ELM  |  NetworKIN  |  GeneCards  |  UniProtKB  |  Entrez-Gene  |  GenPept  |  Ensembl Gene  |  Ensembl Protein