syndecan-4 Cell surface proteoglycan that bears heparan sulfate. Regulates exosome biogenesis in concert with SDCBP and PDCD6IP. Belongs to the syndecan proteoglycan family. Expressed in epithelial and fibroblastic cells. 2 alternatively spliced human isoforms have been reported. Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB.
Protein type: Cell adhesion; Membrane protein, integral; Motility/polarity/chemotaxis
Chromosomal Location of human Ortholog: 20q13.12
Cellular Component:  cell surface; costamere; focal adhesion; Golgi lumen; lysosomal lumen; plasma membrane
Molecular Function:  fibronectin binding; identical protein binding; protein binding; protein kinase C binding; thrombospondin receptor activity
Biological Process:  cell migration; inner ear receptor cell stereocilium organization; negative regulation of T cell proliferation; neural tube closure; positive regulation of exosomal secretion; positive regulation of extracellular exosome assembly; positive regulation of focal adhesion assembly; positive regulation of protein kinase activity; positive regulation of stress fiber assembly; regulation of fibroblast migration; ureteric bud development; wound healing
Reference #:  P31431 (UniProtKB)
Alt. Names/Synonyms: Amphiglycan; MGC22217; ryudocan amphiglycan; Ryudocan core protein; SDC4; SYND4; syndecan 4; syndecan 4 (amphiglycan, ryudocan); syndecan proteoglycan 4; Syndecan-4
Gene Symbols: SDC4
Molecular weight: 21,642 Da
Basal Isoelectric point: 4.39  Predict pI for various phosphorylation states
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