BRDT Testis-specific chromatin protein that specifically binds histone H4 acetylated at 'Lys-5' and 'Lys-8' (H4K5ac and H4K8ac, respectively) and plays a key role in spermatogenesis. Required in late pachytene spermatocytes: plays a role in meiotic and post-meiotic cells by binding to acetylated histones at the promoter of specific meiotic and post-meiotic genes, facilitating their activation at the appropriate time. In the post-meiotic phase of spermatogenesis, binds to hyperacetylated histones and participates in their general removal from DNA. Also recognizes and binds a subset of butyrylated histones: able to bind histone H4 butyrylated at 'Lys-8' (H4K8ac), while it is not able to bind H4 butyrylated at 'Lys-5' (H4K5ac). Also acts as a component of the splicing machinery in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids and participates in 3'-UTR truncation of specific mRNAs in post-meiotic spermatids. Required for chromocenter organization, a structure comprised of peri-centromeric heterochromatin. Testis-specific. A 3-fold higher expression is seen in adult testis than in embryo testis. Expression seems to be correlated with histone H4 hyperacetylation during the haploid phase of spermatogenesis (spermiogenesis). No expression, or very low expression is seen in patients' testes with abnormal spermatogenesis. Expressed in cancers such as non-small cell lung cancer and squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck as well as of esophagus, but not in melanoma or in cancers of the colon, breast, kidney and bladder. 5 alternatively spliced human isoforms have been reported. Note: This description may include information from UniProtKB.
Protein type: ATYPICAL group; BRD family; Cancer Testis Antigen (CTA); Kinase, protein; Protein kinase, Ser/Thr (non-receptor); Protein kinase, atypical
Chromosomal Location of human Ortholog: 1p22.1
Cellular Component:  nucleus
Molecular Function:  histone binding; histone reader activity; lysine-acetylated histone binding; transcription coactivator activity
Biological Process:  chromatin remodeling; male meiosis I; male meiotic nuclear division; mRNA processing; positive regulation of transcription involved in meiotic cell cycle; regulation of DNA-templated transcription; regulation of RNA splicing; RNA splicing; sperm DNA condensation
Disease: Spermatogenic Failure 21
Reference #:  Q58F21 (UniProtKB)
Alt. Names/Synonyms: BRD6; BRDT; bromodomain testis associated; Bromodomain testis-specific protein; bromodomain, testis-specific; Cancer/testis antigen 9; CT9; RING3-like protein; SPGF21; testis-specific bromodomain protein
Gene Symbols: BRDT
Molecular weight: 107,954 Da
Basal Isoelectric point: 9.05  Predict pI for various phosphorylation states
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