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Home > Curated Information Page > PubMed Id: 16860317
Karvonen U, Jänne OA, Palvimo JJ (2006) Androgen receptor regulates nuclear trafficking and nuclear domain residency of corepressor HDAC7 in a ligand-dependent fashion. Exp Cell Res 312, 3165-83 16860317
This page summarizes selected information from the record referenced above and curated into PhosphoSitePlus®, a comprehensive online resource for the study of protein post-translational modifications (NAR, 2015, 43:D512-20). To learn more about the scope of PhosphoSitePlus®, click here.
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K631-ac - AR (human)
Modsite: GMTLGARkLkkLGNL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AR (human): K631‑ac, AR iso3 (human): , AR (mouse): K610‑ac, AR (rat): K613‑ac
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  prostate cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), LNCaP (prostate cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
DEACETYLASE HDAC7 (human) pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, microscopy-colocalization, co-immunoprecipitation, transfection of wild-type enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
trichostatin_A increase
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (process):  transcription, altered

K633-ac - AR (human)
Modsite: TLGARkLkkLGNLKL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AR (human): K633‑ac, AR iso3 (human): , AR (mouse): K612‑ac, AR (rat): K615‑ac
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  prostate cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), LNCaP (prostate cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
DEACETYLASE HDAC7 (human) pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, microscopy-colocalization, co-immunoprecipitation, transfection of wild-type enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
trichostatin_A increase
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (process):  transcription, altered

K634-ac - AR (human)
Modsite: LGARkLkkLGNLKLQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AR (human): K634‑ac, AR iso3 (human): , AR (mouse): K613‑ac, AR (rat): K616‑ac
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  prostate cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), LNCaP (prostate cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
DEACETYLASE HDAC7 (human) pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, microscopy-colocalization, co-immunoprecipitation, transfection of wild-type enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
trichostatin_A increase
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (process):  transcription, altered