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Home > Curated Information Page > Cst Curation Set #3031
Guo A (2007) CST Curation Set: 3031; Year: 2007; Biosample/Treatment: tissue, brain/-; Disease: -; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: RRXp[ST] Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-(Ser/Thr) PKA Substrate Antibody Cat#: 9621
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Click on the protein name to open the protein page, and on the RSD number to open the site page.

T315-p - ANKRD34A (mouse)
Modsite: GPLSRRNtAPEAQES SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANKRD34A (human): T316‑p, ANKRD34A (mouse): T315‑p, ANKRD34A (rat): T315‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S341-p - ANKRD63 (mouse)
Modsite: RLGLRRRstAPDIPS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANKRD63 (human): S331‑p, ANKRD63 (mouse): S341‑p, ANKRD63 (rat): S341‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T342-p - ANKRD63 (mouse)
Modsite: LGLRRRstAPDIPSL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANKRD63 (human): T332‑p, ANKRD63 (mouse): T342‑p, ANKRD63 (rat): T342‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S104-p - ARPP-19 (mouse)
Modsite: DLPQRKPsLVAsKLA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ARPP‑19 (human): S104‑p, ARPP‑19 iso2 (human): S88‑p, ARPP‑19 (mouse): S104‑p, ARPP‑19 (rat): S104‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T201-p - BORCS6 (mouse)
Modsite: AGGGRRAtISsPLEL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
BORCS6 (human): T196‑p, BORCS6 (mouse): T201‑p, BORCS6 (rat): T201‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T415-p - CACNA1E (mouse)
Modsite: LEVLRRAtIKRSRtE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CACNA1E (human): T414‑p, CACNA1E (mouse): T415‑p, CACNA1E iso3 (mouse): T415‑p, CACNA1E (rat): T365‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T287-p - CAMK2B (mouse)
Modsite: sMMHRQEtVECLKKF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CAMK2B (human): T287‑p, CAMK2B iso2 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2B iso3 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2B iso4 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2B iso6 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2B iso8 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2B (mouse): T287‑p, CAMK2B iso2 (mouse): T158‑p, CAMK2B iso3 (mouse): T287‑p, CAMK2B (rat): T287‑p, CAMK2B iso2 (rat): , CAMK2B iso3 (rat): T287‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T287-p - CAMK2G (mouse)
Modsite: sMMHRQEtVECLRKF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CAMK2G (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso2 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso4 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso5 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso6 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso7 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso9 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso10 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso11 (human): T287‑p, CAMK2G (mouse): T287‑p, CAMK2G iso3 (mouse): T287‑p, CAMK2G (rat): T287‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S276-p - FBXO6 (mouse)
Modsite: IGRRRRAsDsNtHEG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
FBXO6 (human): Q283‑p, FBXO6 (mouse): S276‑p, FBXO6 (rat):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S170-p - HMBOX1 (mouse)
Modsite: EELMRRDsSVIKEEI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HMBOX1 (human): S170‑p, HMBOX1 iso2 (human): S170‑p, HMBOX1 iso5 (human): S170‑p, HMBOX1 (mouse): S170‑p, HMBOX1 (rat): S170‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S129-p - KIF2A iso1 (mouse)
Modsite: GPPSRRKsNCVKEVE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
KIF2A (human): S157‑p, KIF2A iso2 (human): S111‑p, KIF2A iso4 (human): S157‑p, KIF2A (mouse): S156‑p, KIF2A iso1 (mouse): S129‑p, KIF2A iso2 (mouse): S110‑p, KIF2A (rat): S156‑p, KIF2A iso2 (rat): S156‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S823-p - MAP2 (mouse)
Modsite: GTRsRLAsVsADAEV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
MAP2 (human): S821‑p, MAP2 iso2 (human): , MAP2 iso3 (human): S817‑p, MAP2 iso4 (human): , MAP2 (mouse): S823‑p, MAP2 iso2 (mouse): S823‑p, MAP2 iso6 (mouse): , MAP2 (rat): S825‑p, MAP2 iso2 (rat): S825‑p, MAP2 iso3 (rat): , MAP2 iso4 (rat): , MAP2 (cow):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S96-p - PKAR2A (mouse)
Modsite: SKFTRRVsVCAEtFN SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PKAR2A (human): S99‑p, PKAR2A iso2 (human): S99‑p, PKAR2A (mouse): S96‑p, PKAR2A (rat): S97‑p, PKAR2A (cow): S96‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S112-p - PKAR2B (mouse)
Modsite: NRFTRRAsVCAEAyN SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PKAR2B (human): S114‑p, PKAR2B (mouse): S112‑p, PKAR2B (rat): S112‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S1248-p - PLCG1 (mouse)
Modsite: HVRAREGsFEARyQQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PLCG1 (human): S1248‑p, PLCG1 iso2 (human): S1249‑p, PLCG1 (mouse): S1248‑p, PLCG1 (rat): S1248‑p, PLCG1 (cow): S1249‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S113-p - pleckstrin (mouse)
Modsite: GQKFARKstRRsIRL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
pleckstrin (human): S113‑p, pleckstrin iso100 (human): S113‑p, pleckstrin (mouse): S113‑p, pleckstrin (rat): S113‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T114-p - pleckstrin (mouse)
Modsite: QKFARKstRRsIRLP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
pleckstrin (human): T114‑p, pleckstrin iso100 (human): T114‑p, pleckstrin (mouse): T114‑p, pleckstrin (rat): T114‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S117-p - pleckstrin (mouse)
Modsite: ARKstRRsIRLPEtI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
pleckstrin (human): S117‑p, pleckstrin iso100 (human): S117‑p, pleckstrin (mouse): S117‑p, pleckstrin (rat): S117‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S83-p - PLM (mouse)
Modsite: EEGtFRssIRRLssR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PLM (human): S83‑p, PLM (mouse): S83‑p, PLM (rat): S83‑p, PLM (dog): S83‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S88-p - PLM (mouse)
Modsite: RssIRRLssRRR___ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PLM (human): S88‑p, PLM (mouse): S88‑p, PLM (rat): S88‑p, PLM (dog): S88‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S89-p - PLM (mouse)
Modsite: ssIRRLssRRR____ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PLM (human): T89‑p, PLM (mouse): S89‑p, PLM (rat): T89‑p, PLM (dog): T89‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S33-p - PSD3 iso6 (mouse)
Modsite: EDsIRRQsHRSKsMK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PSD3 (human): , PSD3 (mouse): , PSD3 iso6 (mouse): S33‑p, PSD3 (rat): S33‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S38-p - PSD3 iso6 (mouse)
Modsite: RQsHRSKsMKISNsS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PSD3 (human): , PSD3 (mouse): , PSD3 iso6 (mouse): S38‑p, PSD3 (rat): S38‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T469-p - QSK (mouse)
Modsite: YLSMRRHtVGVADPR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
QSK (human): T469‑p, QSK iso6 (human): , QSK iso7 (human): T469‑p, QSK iso8 (human): T421‑p, QSK (mouse): T469‑p, QSK (rat): T469‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S234-p - rabphilin 3A (mouse)
Modsite: GPPTRRAsEARMSTA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
rabphilin 3A (human): S237‑p, rabphilin 3A (mouse): S234‑p, rabphilin 3A (rat): S234‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S326-p - RC3 (mouse)
Modsite: RKGQRRssVLVTHAE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
RC3 (human): S326‑p, RC3 iso2 (human): S326‑p, RC3 iso3 (human): S326‑p, RC3 (mouse): S326‑p, RC3 iso4 (mouse): S326‑p, RC3 (rat): S326‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S326-p - RC3 iso4 (mouse)
Modsite: RKGQRRSsVLVTHAE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
RC3 (human): S326‑p, RC3 iso2 (human): S326‑p, RC3 iso3 (human): S326‑p, RC3 (mouse): S326‑p, RC3 iso4 (mouse): S326‑p, RC3 (rat): S326‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S235-p - S6 (mouse)
Modsite: IAKRRRLssLRAsts SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
S6 (human): S235‑p, S6 (mouse): S235‑p, S6 (rat): S235‑p, S6 (fruit fly): A234‑p, S6 (cow): S235‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S236-p - S6 (mouse)
Modsite: AKRRRLssLRAstsK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
S6 (human): S236‑p, S6 (mouse): S236‑p, S6 (rat): S236‑p, S6 (fruit fly): S235‑p, S6 (cow): S236‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S240-p - S6 (mouse)
Modsite: RLssLRAstsKsEss SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
S6 (human): S240‑p, S6 (mouse): S240‑p, S6 (rat): S240‑p, S6 (fruit fly): S239‑p, S6 (cow): S240‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S244-p - S6 (mouse)
Modsite: LRAstsKsEssQK__ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
S6 (human): S244‑p, S6 (mouse): S244‑p, S6 (rat): S244‑p, S6 (fruit fly): V243‑p, S6 (cow): S244‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T894-p - SHANK2 (mouse)
Modsite: PPVtRQNtRGPLRRQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SHANK2 (human): T1269‑p, SHANK2 iso1 (human): T890‑p, SHANK2 iso4 (human): T674‑p, SHANK2 iso7 (human): , SHANK2 (mouse): T894‑p, SHANK2 iso2 (mouse): T890‑p, SHANK2 iso3 (mouse): T1259‑p, SHANK2 iso5 (mouse): T680‑p, SHANK2 (rat): T894‑p, SHANK2 iso2 (rat): T679‑p, SHANK2 iso7 (rat): T1259‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T903-p - SHANK2 (mouse)
Modsite: GPLRRQEtENKYETD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SHANK2 (human): T1278‑p, SHANK2 iso1 (human): T899‑p, SHANK2 iso4 (human): T683‑p, SHANK2 iso7 (human): , SHANK2 (mouse): T903‑p, SHANK2 iso2 (mouse): T899‑p, SHANK2 iso3 (mouse): T1268‑p, SHANK2 iso5 (mouse): T689‑p, SHANK2 (rat): T903‑p, SHANK2 iso2 (rat): T688‑p, SHANK2 iso7 (rat): T1268‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T138-p - SNAP-25 (mouse)
Modsite: GGFIRRVtNDARENE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SNAP‑25 (human): T138‑p, SNAP‑25 iso2 (human): T138‑p, SNAP‑25 (mouse): T138‑p, SNAP‑25 (rat): T138‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S492-p - SRGAP2 (mouse)
Modsite: DCSLARRssTVRKQD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SRGAP2 (human): S492‑p, SRGAP2 iso2 (human): S492‑p, SRGAP2 (mouse): S492‑p, SRGAP2 (rat): S492‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S493-p - SRGAP2 (mouse)
Modsite: CSLARRssTVRKQDs SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SRGAP2 (human): S493‑p, SRGAP2 iso2 (human): S493‑p, SRGAP2 (mouse): S493‑p, SRGAP2 (rat): S493‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  brain
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse