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Yang Y, Chan WK (2021) Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 Beta Regulates the Human Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Cellular Content and Activity. Int J Mol Sci 22 34198826
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S436-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: LRTKNGTsGkDsATT SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): S436‑p, AHR (mouse): S430‑p, AHR (rat): S434‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

S440-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: NGTsGkDsATTsTLS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): S440‑p, AHR (mouse): W434‑p, AHR (rat): W438‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

S444-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: GkDsATTsTLSKDSL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): S444‑p, AHR (mouse): S438‑p, AHR (rat): S442‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

S689-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: SQEFPYKsEMDsMPY SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): S689‑p, AHR (mouse): P691‑p, AHR (rat): S696‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

S693-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: PYKsEMDsMPYtQNF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): S693‑p, AHR (mouse): S695‑p, AHR (rat): S700‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

T697-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: EMDsMPYtQNFISCN SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): T697‑p, AHR (mouse): T699‑p, AHR (rat): T704‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

S723-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: ELDYPMGsFEPsPYP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): S723‑p, AHR (mouse): D725‑p, AHR (rat): D730‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

S727-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: PMGsFEPsPYPtTSS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): S727‑p, AHR (mouse): S729‑p, AHR (rat): S734‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced

T731-p - AHR (human)
Modsite: FEPsPYPtTSSLEDF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHR (human): T731‑p, AHR (mouse): T733‑p, AHR (rat): N738‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mutation of modification site
Disease tissue studied:  breast cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HeLa (cervical), Hep3B (hepatic), MCF-7 (breast cell)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE GSK3B (human) transfection of wild-type enzyme, pharmacological inhibitor of upstream enzyme, siRNA inhibition of enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
tideglusib decrease
lithium decrease
siRNA decrease GSK3B shRNA
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  protein degradation, ubiquitination
Effect of modification (process):  autophagy, induced, transcription, induced