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Haycock JW, Ahn NG, Cobb MH, Krebs EG (1992) ERK1 and ERK2, two microtubule-associated protein 2 kinases, mediate the phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase at serine-31 in situ. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 89, 2365-9 1347949
This page summarizes selected information from the record referenced above and curated into PhosphoSitePlus®, a comprehensive online resource for the study of protein post-translational modifications (NAR, 2015, 43:D512-20). To learn more about the scope of PhosphoSitePlus®, click here.
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S19-p - TH (rat)
Modsite: KGFRRAVsEQDAKQA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TH (human): S19‑p, TH iso2 (human): S19‑p, TH iso3 (human): S19‑p, TH iso4 (human): S19‑p, TH (mouse): S19‑p, TH (rat): S19‑p, TH (cow): S19‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo [32P] bio-synthetic labeling, phosphopeptide mapping
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  rat
Upstream Regulation
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
Ba(2+) increase
bradykinin increase
genistein bradykinin no effect upon treatment-induced increase

S31-p - TH (rat)
Modsite: KQAEAVTsPRFIGRR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TH (human): S62‑p, TH iso2 (human): S58‑p, TH iso3 (human): S31‑p, TH iso4 (human): S35‑p, TH (mouse): S31‑p, TH (rat): S31‑p, TH (cow): S31‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo [32P] bio-synthetic labeling, phosphopeptide mapping
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  rat
Enzymes shown to modify site in vitro
Type Enzyme
KINASE ERK1 (mouse)
KINASE ERK2 (mouse)
Upstream Regulation
Potential in vivo enzymes for site: 
Type Enzyme Evidence Notes
KINASE ERK2 (rat) pharmacological activator of upstream enzyme
KINASE ERK1 (rat) pharmacological activator of upstream enzyme
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
bradykinin increase
genistein bradykinin inhibit treatment-induced increase
muscarine increase
genistein muscarine inhibit treatment-induced increase
NGF increase
genistein NGF no effect upon treatment-induced increase
Ba(2+) increase
genistein Ba(2+) inhibit treatment-induced increase
phorbol_ester increase
genistein phorbol_ester inhibit treatment-induced increase
ATP increase
thapsigargin increase
t-Bu2BHQ increase
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  enzymatic activity, induced
Comments:  The in vitro enzymatic activation produced by ERK-mediated phosphorylation of S31 much smaller than the activation produced by PKA-mediated phosphorylation of S40

S40-p - TH (rat)
Modsite: RFIGRRQsLIEDARK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TH (human): S71‑p, TH iso2 (human): S67‑p, TH iso3 (human): S40‑p, TH iso4 (human): S44‑p, TH (mouse): S40‑p, TH (rat): S40‑p, TH (cow): S40‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo [32P] bio-synthetic labeling, phosphopeptide mapping
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  rat
Upstream Regulation
Treatments, proteins and their effect on site modification: 
Treatments Referenced Treatments Manipulated Protein Referenced Protein Effect Notes
cAMP_analog increase
genistein cAMP_analog no effect upon treatment-induced increase
ATP increase
Theophylline ATP inhibit treatment-induced increase
NGF no change compared to control
bradykinin no change compared to control
muscarine no change compared to control
caffeine no change compared to control
thapsigargin no change compared to control
t-Bu2BHQ no change compared to control
Downstream Regulation
Effect of modification (function):  enzymatic activity, induced
Comments:  The in vitro enzymatic activation produced by PKA-mediated phosphorylation of S40 much greater than the activation produced by ERK-mediated phosphorylation of S31