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Home > Curated Information Page > Cst Curation Set #9273
Zhou J (2010) CST Curation Set: 9273; Year: 2010; Biosample/Treatment: tissue, heart/untreated; Disease: -; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: (F/Y)XpS
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Click on the protein name to open the protein page, and on the RSD number to open the site page.

S725-p - 53BP2 (mouse)
Modsite: EALRKKLsNAPRPLK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
53BP2 (human): S726‑p, 53BP2 iso3 (human): S732‑p, 53BP2 (mouse): S725‑p, 53BP2 (rat): S725‑p, 53BP2 (cow): S732‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S502-p - ABLIM3 (mouse)
Modsite: VPRARRFssGGEEED SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ABLIM3 (human): S503‑p, ABLIM3 iso2 (human): S392‑p, ABLIM3 iso3 (human): S408‑p, ABLIM3 iso4 (human): , ABLIM3 (mouse): S502‑p, ABLIM3 (rat): S503‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S503-p - ABLIM3 (mouse)
Modsite: PRARRFssGGEEEDF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ABLIM3 (human): S504‑p, ABLIM3 iso2 (human): S393‑p, ABLIM3 iso3 (human): S409‑p, ABLIM3 iso4 (human): , ABLIM3 (mouse): S503‑p, ABLIM3 (rat): S504‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S777-p - ANK1 (mouse)
Modsite: AKRLGYIsVtDVLKV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANK1 (human): S781‑p, ANK1 iso3 (human): S781‑p, ANK1 iso4 (human): S781‑p, ANK1 iso11 (human): S781‑p, ANK1 iso17 (human): , ANK1 iso21 (human): S814‑p, ANK1 (mouse): S777‑p, ANK1 iso2 (mouse): S785‑p, ANK1 iso7 (mouse): , ANK1 (rat): S688‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S70-p - ANKRD15 (mouse)
Modsite: IQKRRKPsVPCPEVR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANKRD15 (human): S70‑p, ANKRD15 iso2 (human): , ANKRD15 (mouse): S70‑p, ANKRD15 (rat): S70‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S903-p - ANKS1A (mouse)
Modsite: TSRRRHDsLPDPGTA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANKS1A (human): S887‑p, ANKS1A (mouse): S903‑p, ANKS1A iso2 (mouse): S882‑p, ANKS1A (rat): S878‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T758-p - AP3D1 (mouse)
Modsite: RRHssLPtEsDEDIA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AP3D1 (human): T762‑p, AP3D1 iso2 (human): T671‑p, AP3D1 iso5 (human): T762‑p, AP3D1 (mouse): T758‑p, AP3D1 (rat): T758‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S760-p - AP3D1 (mouse)
Modsite: HssLPtEsDEDIAPA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AP3D1 (human): S764‑p, AP3D1 iso2 (human): S673‑p, AP3D1 iso5 (human): S764‑p, AP3D1 (mouse): S760‑p, AP3D1 (rat): S760‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S27-p - ArgBP2 (mouse)
Modsite: TSVKRVQssPNLLAA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ArgBP2 (human): , ArgBP2 iso2 (human): , ArgBP2 iso3 (human): , ArgBP2 iso4 (human): , ArgBP2 iso5 (human): , ArgBP2 iso6 (human): , ArgBP2 iso7 (human): , ArgBP2 iso8 (human): , ArgBP2 iso9 (human): S13‑p, ArgBP2 iso11 (human): S27‑p, ArgBP2 iso12 (human): S13‑p, ArgBP2 (mouse): S27‑p, ArgBP2 iso2 (mouse): S27‑p, ArgBP2 iso5 (mouse): S27‑p, ArgBP2 (rat): S27‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S176-p - CBX3 (mouse)
Modsite: EERLTWHsCPEDEAQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CBX3 (human): S176‑p, CBX3 (mouse): S176‑p, CBX3 (rat): S176‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S272-p - CdGAP (mouse)
Modsite: RKERRENsLPEIVPP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CdGAP (human): S272‑p, CdGAP (mouse): S272‑p, CdGAP (rat): S272‑p, CdGAP (cow): S272‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S203-p - CGNL1 (mouse)
Modsite: syGsQPNsPtSEDLA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CGNL1 (human): S202‑p, CGNL1 (mouse): S203‑p, CGNL1 (rat): S202‑p, CGNL1 (cow): S202‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S28-p - desmin (mouse)
Modsite: APGFsLGsPLssPVF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
desmin (human): S28‑p, desmin (mouse): S28‑p, desmin (rat): S28‑p, desmin (chicken): , desmin (dog): S28‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S357-p - desmin (mouse)
Modsite: ELEDRFAsEANGyQD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
desmin (human): S358‑p, desmin (mouse): S357‑p, desmin (rat): S357‑p, desmin (chicken): G349‑p, desmin (dog): S357‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S22-p - Desmoplakin (mouse)
Modsite: GRMtRAEsGPDLRyE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Desmoplakin (human): S22‑p, Desmoplakin iso2 (human): S22‑p, Desmoplakin (mouse): S22‑p, Desmoplakin (rat): S22‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y1323-p - GBF1 (mouse)
Modsite: ytsDsEVytDHGRPG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GBF1 (human): Y1324‑p, GBF1 iso2 (human): Y1324‑p, GBF1 (mouse): Y1323‑p, GBF1 (rat): Y1323‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S365-p - GJA1 (mouse)
Modsite: IVDQRPssRAssRAs SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GJA1 (human): S365‑p, GJA1 (mouse): S365‑p, GJA1 (rat): S365‑p, GJA1 (rabbit): S365‑p, GJA1 (pig): S365‑p, GJA1 (hamster): S365‑p, GJA1 (cow): S366‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S369-p - GJA1 (mouse)
Modsite: RPssRAssRAssRPR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GJA1 (human): S369‑p, GJA1 (mouse): S369‑p, GJA1 (rat): S369‑p, GJA1 (rabbit): S369‑p, GJA1 (pig): S369‑p, GJA1 (hamster): S369‑p, GJA1 (cow): S370‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S372-p - GJA1 (mouse)
Modsite: sRAssRAssRPRPDD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GJA1 (human): S372‑p, GJA1 (mouse): S372‑p, GJA1 (rat): S372‑p, GJA1 (rabbit): S372‑p, GJA1 (pig): S372‑p, GJA1 (hamster): S372‑p, GJA1 (cow): S373‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S942-p - helicase B (mouse)
Modsite: APSTGFAsQPssPRV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
helicase B (human): S967‑p, helicase B (mouse): S942‑p, helicase B (rat): S944‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S946-p - helicase B (mouse)
Modsite: GFAsQPssPRVGGRP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
helicase B (human): S971‑p, helicase B (mouse): S946‑p, helicase B (rat): S948‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S392-p - KSR (mouse)
Modsite: ARLRRtEsVPsDINN SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
KSR (human): S406‑p, KSR iso2 (human): S406‑p, KSR iso4 (human): S269‑p, KSR (mouse): S392‑p, KSR (rat): S40‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y57-p - LIPT2 (mouse)
Modsite: CEPAGPVytGGLRGG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
LIPT2 (human): Y57‑p, LIPT2 (mouse): Y57‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T58-p - LIPT2 (mouse)
Modsite: EPAGPVytGGLRGGL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
LIPT2 (human): T58‑p, LIPT2 (mouse): T58‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y56-p - LOC689081 (mouse)
Modsite: HKKSKDEyAYRVIHI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
LOC689081 (mouse): Y56‑p, LOC689081 (rat): Y56‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S1613-p - LTBP4 (mouse)
Modsite: RLDITRMsCVDVNEC SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
LTBP4 (human): A1571‑p, LTBP4 iso2 (human): A1504‑p, LTBP4 iso3 (human): A1534‑p, LTBP4 (mouse): S1613‑p, LTBP4 iso2 (mouse): S1547‑p, LTBP4 (rat): S1578‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T1626-p - LTBP4 (mouse)
Modsite: ECDEAEAtsPLCVNA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
LTBP4 (human): A1584‑p, LTBP4 iso2 (human): A1517‑p, LTBP4 iso3 (human): A1547‑p, LTBP4 (mouse): T1626‑p, LTBP4 iso2 (mouse): T1560‑p, LTBP4 (rat): T1591‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S1627-p - LTBP4 (mouse)
Modsite: CDEAEAtsPLCVNAR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
LTBP4 (human): S1585‑p, LTBP4 iso2 (human): S1518‑p, LTBP4 iso3 (human): S1548‑p, LTBP4 (mouse): S1627‑p, LTBP4 iso2 (mouse): S1561‑p, LTBP4 (rat): S1592‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S411-p - Lunapark (mouse)
Modsite: sPVLRADsVPNLEPs SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Lunapark (human): S414‑p, Lunapark iso4 (human): S445‑p, Lunapark (mouse): S411‑p, Lunapark (rat):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S233-p - MEF2A (mouse)
Modsite: GFVNSRAsPNLIGNT SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
MEF2A (human): S235‑p, MEF2A iso2 (human): S233‑p, MEF2A (mouse): S233‑p, MEF2A iso3 (mouse): S235‑p, MEF2A (rat): S235‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y544-p - MYBPC3 (mouse)
Modsite: QEkkLEVyQsIADLA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
MYBPC3 (human): Y548‑p, MYBPC3 (mouse): Y544‑p, MYBPC3 (rat): Y548‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S85-p - NCK1 (mouse)
Modsite: GKVKRKPsVPDtAsP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
NCK1 (human): S85‑p, NCK1 iso2 (human): S21‑p, NCK1 (mouse): S85‑p, NCK1 (rat): S85‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S20-p - OPA3 (mouse)
Modsite: YLGIRQVsKPLANRI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
OPA3 (human): S20‑p, OPA3 iso2 (human): S20‑p, OPA3 (mouse): S20‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S417-p - P70S6KB (mouse)
Modsite: sPRRLNssPRtPIsP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
P70S6KB (human): S417‑p, P70S6KB (mouse): S417‑p, P70S6KB (rat): S417‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S423-p - P70S6KB (mouse)
Modsite: ssPRtPIsPLKFSPF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
P70S6KB (human): S423‑p, P70S6KB (mouse): S423‑p, P70S6KB (rat): S423‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y289-p - PABPN1 (mouse)
Modsite: SrPRGrIyrGrArAT SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PABPN1 (human): Y293‑p, PABPN1 iso2 (human): Y293‑p, PABPN1 (mouse): Y289‑p, PABPN1 (rat): Y289‑p, PABPN1 (cow): Y293‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T21-p - PAK2 (mouse)
Modsite: PPVRMSstIFSTGGK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PAK2 (human): T21‑p, PAK2 (mouse): T21‑p, PAK2 (rat): T21‑p, PAK2 (rabbit): T21‑p, PAK2 (cow): T21‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S141-p - PAK2 (mouse)
Modsite: TVkQKyLsFtPPEKD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PAK2 (human): S141‑p, PAK2 (mouse): S141‑p, PAK2 (rat): S141‑p, PAK2 (rabbit): S141‑p, PAK2 (cow): S141‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S295-p - PDHA1 (mouse)
Modsite: RyHGHsMsDPGVsyR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PDHA1 (human): S295‑p, PDHA1 iso2 (human): S302‑p, PDHA1 iso4 (human): S333‑p, PDHA1 (mouse): S295‑p, PDHA1 (rat): S295‑p, PDHA1 (pig): S294‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S300-p - PDHA1 (mouse)
Modsite: sMsDPGVsyRtREEI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PDHA1 (human): S300‑p, PDHA1 iso2 (human): S307‑p, PDHA1 iso4 (human): S338‑p, PDHA1 (mouse): S300‑p, PDHA1 (rat): S300‑p, PDHA1 (pig): S299‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S25-p - perilipin 4 (mouse)
Modsite: TLsSFFGsLPGFssA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
perilipin 4 (human): S25‑p, perilipin 4 (mouse): S25‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S3440-p - piccolo (mouse)
Modsite: GDKTKPPsKVssVAV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
piccolo (human): S3511‑p, piccolo iso6 (human): S3511‑p, piccolo (mouse): S3440‑p, piccolo (rat): S3456‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S248-p - PPM1K (mouse)
Modsite: GGFVAWNsLGQPHVN SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PPM1K (human): S248‑p, PPM1K (mouse): S248‑p, PPM1K (rat): S248‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S82-p - PPP2R5D (mouse)
Modsite: KKERRQssFPFNLNK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PPP2R5D (human): S89‑p, PPP2R5D (mouse): S82‑p, PPP2R5D (rat): S109‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S281-p - SCS-beta (mouse)
Modsite: KINFDsNsAYRQkKI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SCS‑beta (human): S281‑p, SCS‑beta iso2 (human): S259‑p, SCS‑beta (mouse): S281‑p, SCS‑beta (rat): S283‑p, SCS‑beta (pig): S243‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S36-p - SMPX (mouse)
Modsite: QPPRRKEsTPETEEG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SMPX (human): C38‑p, SMPX (mouse): S36‑p, SMPX (rat): S36‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y479-p - SPATA31H1 (mouse)
Modsite: KtLNTRLyEIStsTK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SPATA31H1 (human): Y1304‑p, SPATA31H1 (mouse): Y479‑p, SPATA31H1 (rat): Y2525‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T483-p - SPATA31H1 (mouse)
Modsite: TRLyEIStsTKDSHH SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SPATA31H1 (human): R1308‑p, SPATA31H1 (mouse): T483‑p, SPATA31H1 (rat):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S1165-p - SPTA1 (mouse)
Modsite: ELNTRWNsLKRLADE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SPTA1 (human): S1167‑p, SPTA1 iso2 (human): S1167‑p, SPTA1 (mouse): S1165‑p, SPTA1 (rat): S1165‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T504-p - Tau (mouse)
Modsite: tPGsRsRtPsLPtPP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Tau (human): T529‑p, Tau iso2 (human): T154‑p, Tau iso3 (human): T118‑p, Tau iso4 (human): T183‑p, Tau iso5 (human): T212‑p, Tau iso6 (human): T154‑p, Tau iso7 (human): T183‑p, Tau iso8 (human): T212‑p, Tau (mouse): T504‑p, Tau iso3 (mouse): T201‑p, Tau iso7 (mouse): T161‑p, Tau (rat): T523‑p, Tau (cow): T219‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S32732-p - Titin (mouse)
Modsite: NLNVRYQsNATLVCK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Titin (human): S31870‑p, Titin iso3 (human): S24446‑p, Titin iso6 (human): , Titin iso12 (human): S33511‑p, Titin (mouse): S32732‑p, Titin iso3 (mouse): , Titin iso4 (mouse): S30986‑p, Titin (rat): S31720‑p, Titin iso2 (rat):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S33933-p - Titin (mouse)
Modsite: LssLRyssPPAHVKV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Titin (human): S33071‑p, Titin iso3 (human): S25647‑p, Titin iso6 (human): , Titin iso12 (human): S34712‑p, Titin (mouse): S33933‑p, Titin iso3 (mouse): , Titin iso4 (mouse): S32187‑p, Titin (rat): S32921‑p, Titin iso2 (rat):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y451-p - TUBA1A (mouse)
Modsite: GEEEGEEy_______ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TUBA1A (human): Y451‑p, TUBA1A (mouse): Y451‑p, TUBA1A (rat): Y451‑p, TUBA1A (cow): Y451‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

Y451-p - TUBA1B (mouse)
Modsite: GEEEGEEy_______ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TUBA1B (human): Y451‑p, TUBA1B (mouse): Y451‑p, TUBA1B (rat): Y451‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

T3930-p - UBR4 (mouse)
Modsite: RQLMCLLtRDNPEAT SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
UBR4 (human): T3933‑p, UBR4 iso2 (human): T3933‑p, UBR4 iso3 (human): T3909‑p, UBR4 (mouse): T3930‑p, UBR4 iso5 (mouse): T3958‑p, UBR4 (rat): T3944‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S448-p - UGP2 (mouse)
Modsite: DyLRRFEsIPDMLEL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
UGP2 (human): S448‑p, UGP2 iso2 (human): S437‑p, UGP2 (mouse): S448‑p, UGP2 (rat): S448‑p, UGP2 (cow): S448‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S771-p - ZC3H18 (mouse)
Modsite: EKRRRDPsAQPPKSS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZC3H18 (human): S775‑p, ZC3H18 iso2 (human): , ZC3H18 (mouse): S771‑p, ZC3H18 iso2 (mouse): , ZC3H18 (rat): S770‑p, ZC3H18 iso2 (rat): S794‑p, ZC3H18 (cow): S780‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse

S1136-p - ZO2 (mouse)
Modsite: DTRGsyGsDPEEEEY SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZO2 (human): S1159‑p, ZO2 iso2 (human): S1012‑p, ZO2 iso3 (human): S1136‑p, ZO2 iso7 (human): S1190‑p, ZO2 (mouse): S1136‑p, ZO2 (rat): S1132‑p, ZO2 (dog): S1143‑p, ZO2 (cow): S1175‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  heart
Cellular systems studied:  tissue
Species studied:  mouse