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Home > Curated Information Page > Cst Curation Set #432
Guo A (2004) CST Curation Set: 432; Year: 2004; Biosample/Treatment: cell line, 293T/-; Disease: -; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: p[ST]Q Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-(Ser/Thr) ATM/ATR Substrate Antibody Cat#: 2851
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Click on the protein name to open the protein page, and on the RSD number to open the site page.

S829-p - AHDC1 (human)
Modsite: PSGQTELsQERQNLF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AHDC1 (human): S829‑p, AHDC1 (mouse): S825‑p, AHDC1 (rat): S824‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S114-p - AMPD2 (human)
Modsite: QRLERQIsQDVKLEP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AMPD2 (human): S114‑p, AMPD2 iso2 (human): S87‑p, AMPD2 (mouse): S113‑p, AMPD2 (rat): S113‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S87-p - AMPD2 iso2 (human)
Modsite: QRLERQIsQDVKLEP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AMPD2 (human): S114‑p, AMPD2 iso2 (human): S87‑p, AMPD2 (mouse): S113‑p, AMPD2 (rat): S113‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S604-p - ARID1A (human)
Modsite: FPPPQELsQDsFGsQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ARID1A (human): S604‑p, ARID1A iso2 (human): S604‑p, ARID1A (mouse): S605‑p, ARID1A (rat): S601‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S278-p - CCNC (human)
Modsite: GPNGsQNssysQs__ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CCNC (human): S278‑p, CCNC (mouse): S278‑p, CCNC (rat): S273‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S281-p - CCNC (human)
Modsite: GsQNssysQs_____ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CCNC (human): S281‑p, CCNC (mouse): S281‑p, CCNC (rat): S276‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S1714-p - CHD-6 (human)
Modsite: MYGkkVLsQEPSsFQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CHD‑6 (human): S1714‑p, CHD‑6 iso2 (human): , CHD‑6 (mouse): S1718‑p, CHD‑6 (rat): S1705‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S74-p - DCK (human)
Modsite: EFEELtMsQkNGGNV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
DCK (human): S74‑p, DCK (mouse): S74‑p, DCK (rat): S74‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S741-p - EDC4 (human)
Modsite: ssAstALsQDIPEIA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
EDC4 (human): S741‑p, EDC4 iso2 (human): S360‑p, EDC4 (mouse): S745‑p, EDC4 (rat): S746‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S535-p - EHMT2 iso2 (human)
Modsite: APAPPPLsQDVPGRA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
EHMT2 (human): S569‑p, EHMT2 iso2 (human): S535‑p, EHMT2 iso4 (human): S592‑p, EHMT2 (mouse): A622‑p, EHMT2 iso4 (mouse): A133‑p, EHMT2 (rat): A622‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S592-p - EHMT2 iso4 (human)
Modsite: APAPPPLsQDVPGRA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
EHMT2 (human): S569‑p, EHMT2 iso2 (human): S535‑p, EHMT2 iso4 (human): S592‑p, EHMT2 (mouse): A622‑p, EHMT2 iso4 (mouse): A133‑p, EHMT2 (rat): A622‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S195-p - FEZ2 (human)
Modsite: SDRLSMLsQEIQtLk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
FEZ2 (human): S195‑p, FEZ2 iso2 (human): S195‑p, FEZ2 (mouse): S190‑p, FEZ2 (rat): S190‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S99-p - HMGA1 (human)
Modsite: KEEEEGIsQEssEEE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HMGA1 (human): S99‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (human): S88‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (human): P149‑p, HMGA1 (mouse): S99‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (mouse): S88‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (mouse): S98‑p, HMGA1 (rat): S99‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S102-p - HMGA1 (human)
Modsite: EEGIsQEssEEEQ__ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HMGA1 (human): S102‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (human): S91‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (human): C174‑p, HMGA1 (mouse): S102‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (mouse): S91‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (mouse): S101‑p, HMGA1 (rat): S102‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S103-p - HMGA1 (human)
Modsite: EGIsQEssEEEQ___ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HMGA1 (human): S103‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (human): S92‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (human): P175‑p, HMGA1 (mouse): S103‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (mouse): S92‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (mouse): S102‑p, HMGA1 (rat): S103‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S88-p - HMGA1 iso2 (human)
Modsite: kEEEEGIsQEssEEE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HMGA1 (human): S99‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (human): S88‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (human): P149‑p, HMGA1 (mouse): S99‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (mouse): S88‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (mouse): S98‑p, HMGA1 (rat): S99‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S91-p - HMGA1 iso2 (human)
Modsite: EEGIsQEssEEEQ__ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HMGA1 (human): S102‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (human): S91‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (human): C174‑p, HMGA1 (mouse): S102‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (mouse): S91‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (mouse): S101‑p, HMGA1 (rat): S102‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S92-p - HMGA1 iso2 (human)
Modsite: EGIsQEssEEEQ___ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HMGA1 (human): S103‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (human): S92‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (human): P175‑p, HMGA1 (mouse): S103‑p, HMGA1 iso2 (mouse): S92‑p, HMGA1 iso3 (mouse): S102‑p, HMGA1 (rat): S103‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S2925-p - KI-67 (human)
Modsite: LAsFQELsQtPGHtE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
KI‑67 (human): S2925‑p, KI‑67 iso2 (human): S2565‑p, KI‑67 (mouse): T2868‑p, KI‑67 (rat): T2805‑p, KI‑67 iso4 (rat): T2923‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S2565-p - KI-67 iso2 (human)
Modsite: LASFQELsQTPGHTE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
KI‑67 (human): S2925‑p, KI‑67 iso2 (human): S2565‑p, KI‑67 (mouse): T2868‑p, KI‑67 (rat): T2805‑p, KI‑67 iso4 (rat): T2923‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S774-p - KIAA1671 (human)
Modsite: sLKDRQLsQEVTPAD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
KIAA1671 (human): S774‑p, KIAA1671 (mouse): S770‑p, KIAA1671 iso2 (mouse): , KIAA1671 (rat): S777‑p, KIAA1671 (cow): T767‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S108-p - MCM2 (human)
Modsite: DVEELtAsQREAAER SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
MCM2 (human): S108‑p, MCM2 (mouse): S108‑p, MCM2 (rat): S109‑p, MCM2 (cow): S109‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S450-p - METTL16 (human)
Modsite: AVEGPCPsQEsLsQE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
METTL16 (human): S450‑p, METTL16 (mouse): S450‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S455-p - METTL16 (human)
Modsite: CPsQEsLsQEENPEP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
METTL16 (human): S455‑p, METTL16 (mouse): C455‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S23-p - MGC5509 (human)
Modsite: LLHPELLsQEFLLLT SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
MGC5509 (human): S23‑p, MGC5509 (mouse): S23‑p, MGC5509 (rat): S23‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S343-p - NBS1 (human)
Modsite: TtPGPsLsQGVsVDE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
NBS1 (human): S343‑p, NBS1 (mouse): S343‑p, NBS1 (rat): S343‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S397-p - NBS1 (human)
Modsite: EQKFRMLsQDAPtVK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
NBS1 (human): S397‑p, NBS1 (mouse): S398‑p, NBS1 (rat): L398‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S492-p - NCAPH2 (human)
Modsite: FVQEtELsQRIRDWE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
NCAPH2 (human): S492‑p, NCAPH2 iso2 (human): S470‑p, NCAPH2 iso4 (human): S493‑p, NCAPH2 iso5 (human): , NCAPH2 (mouse): S494‑p, NCAPH2 (rat): S441‑p, NCAPH2 (cow): K509‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S290-p - PHF14 (human)
Modsite: DEELtNDsLtLsQsK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PHF14 (human): S290‑p, PHF14 iso1 (human): S290‑p, PHF14 iso2 (human): , PHF14 (mouse): S283‑p, PHF14 iso1 (mouse): S283‑p, PHF14 (rat): S282‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S361-p - PRICKLE2 (human)
Modsite: QHSQLQVsSNRLSAD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PRICKLE2 (human): S361‑p, PRICKLE2 (mouse): S417‑p, PRICKLE2 (rat): S361‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S182-p - PSF2 (human)
Modsite: QPLEstQsQDF____ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PSF2 (human): S182‑p, PSF2 (mouse): S182‑p, PSF2 (rat): S182‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S365-p - PTP1B (human)
Modsite: PyGIEsMsQDtEVRS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PTP1B (human): S365‑p, PTP1B (mouse): S364‑p, PTP1B (rat): S364‑p, PTP1B (chicken): S369‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S1107-p - RENT1 (human)
Modsite: sQIDVALsQDstyQG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
RENT1 (human): S1107‑p, RENT1 iso2 (human): S1096‑p, RENT1 (mouse): S1102‑p, RENT1 iso2 (mouse): S1091‑p, RENT1 (rat): S1102‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S377-p - SRm300 (human)
Modsite: LAERHGGsPQPLAtt SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SRm300 (human): S377‑p, SRm300 iso2 (human): S377‑p, SRm300 (mouse): S375‑p, SRm300 iso2 (mouse): S279‑p, SRm300 iso3 (mouse): S375‑p, SRm300 (rat): S374‑p, SRm300 (cow): S375‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S387-p - SRm300 (human)
Modsite: PLAttPLsQEPVNPP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SRm300 (human): S387‑p, SRm300 iso2 (human): S387‑p, SRm300 (mouse): S385‑p, SRm300 iso2 (mouse): S289‑p, SRm300 iso3 (mouse): S385‑p, SRm300 (rat): S384‑p, SRm300 (cow): S385‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S398-p - SRm300 (human)
Modsite: VNPPsEAsPtRDRsP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SRm300 (human): S398‑p, SRm300 iso2 (human): S398‑p, SRm300 (mouse): S396‑p, SRm300 iso2 (mouse): S300‑p, SRm300 iso3 (mouse): S396‑p, SRm300 (rat): S395‑p, SRm300 (cow): S396‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S1651-p - TTC3 (human)
Modsite: VLENWKEsEVYKLQI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TTC3 (human): S1651‑p, TTC3 (mouse): R1635‑p, TTC3 (rat): R1656‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S434-p - UTP14A (human)
Modsite: RRsLRKRsELsQDAE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
UTP14A (human): S434‑p, UTP14A iso2 (human): S266‑p, UTP14A (mouse): S432‑p, UTP14A (rat): S431‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S437-p - UTP14A (human)
Modsite: LRKRsELsQDAEPAG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
UTP14A (human): S437‑p, UTP14A iso2 (human): S269‑p, UTP14A (mouse): N435‑p, UTP14A (rat): N434‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S445-p - UTP14A (human)
Modsite: QDAEPAGsQEtKDsG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
UTP14A (human): S445‑p, UTP14A iso2 (human): S277‑p, UTP14A (mouse): N443‑p, UTP14A (rat): D442‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S327-p - ZAP (human)
Modsite: GTsQAGTsQRFLENG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZAP (human): S327‑p, ZAP iso2 (human): S327‑p, ZAP iso3 (human): S327‑p, ZAP (mouse): S324‑p, ZAP (rat): S325‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S1256-p - ZNF262 (human)
Modsite: stQDHALsQEssEPG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZNF262 (human): S1256‑p, ZNF262 iso2 (human): S1167‑p, ZNF262 (mouse): S1257‑p, ZNF262 (rat): S1257‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S343-p - ZNF295 (human)
Modsite: VKSLLRRsLsMDsQV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZNF295 (human): S343‑p, ZNF295 iso2 (human): S343‑p, ZNF295 (mouse): S351‑p, ZNF295 (rat): S343‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

S348-p - ZNF295 (human)
Modsite: RRsLsMDsQVPVysP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZNF295 (human): S348‑p, ZNF295 iso2 (human): S348‑p, ZNF295 (mouse): S356‑p, ZNF295 (rat): S348‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  HEK293T (epithelial)
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human