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Home > Curated Information Page > Cst Curation Set #1161
Guo A (2006) CST Curation Set: 1161; Year: 2006; Biosample/Treatment: tissue, lung/-; Disease: non-small cell lung cancer; SILAC: -; Specificities of Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: pY Antibodies Used to Purify Peptides prior to LCMS: Phospho-Tyrosine Mouse mAb (P-Tyr-100) Cat#: 9411, PTMScan(R) Phospho-Tyr Motif (Y*) Immunoaffinity Beads Cat#: 1991
This page summarizes selected information from the record referenced above and curated into PhosphoSitePlus®, a comprehensive online resource for the study of protein post-translational modifications (NAR, 2015, 43:D512-20). To learn more about the scope of PhosphoSitePlus®, click here.
Click on the protein name to open the protein page, and on the RSD number to open the site page.

Y882-p - ADAM22 (human)
Modsite: ASSRKyPyPMPPLPD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ADAM22 (human): Y882‑p, ADAM22 iso2 (human): Y875‑p, ADAM22 (mouse): Y880‑p, ADAM22 iso8 (mouse): Y883‑p, ADAM22 iso11 (mouse): Y946‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y413-p - AFAP1L2 (human)
Modsite: DPsPDHLysFRILHK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
AFAP1L2 (human): Y413‑p, AFAP1L2 iso2 (human): Y413‑p, AFAP1L2 iso4 (human): Y441‑p, AFAP1L2 (mouse): Y413‑p, AFAP1L2 (rat): Y414‑p, AFAP1L2 (cow): Y413‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y24-p - ANXA2 (human)
Modsite: HstPPsAyGsVkAyt SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANXA2 (human): Y24‑p, ANXA2 iso2 (human): Y42‑p, ANXA2 (mouse): Y24‑p, ANXA2 (rat): Y24‑p, ANXA2 (dog): Y24‑p, ANXA2 (cow): Y24‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y317-p - ANXA2 (human)
Modsite: kYGksLyyyIQQDtk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ANXA2 (human): Y317‑p, ANXA2 iso2 (human): Y335‑p, ANXA2 (mouse): Y317‑p, ANXA2 (rat): Y317‑p, ANXA2 (dog): Y317‑p, ANXA2 (cow): Y317‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y750-p - APLP2 (human)
Modsite: NkMQNHGyENPtyky SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
APLP2 (human): Y750‑p, APLP2 iso2 (human): Y694‑p, APLP2 iso3 (human): Y738‑p, APLP2 iso5 (human): Y509‑p, APLP2 (mouse): Y694‑p, APLP2 iso3 (mouse): Y750‑p, APLP2 (rat): Y752‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y757-p - APP (human)
Modsite: SkMQQNGyENPtykF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
APP (human): Y757‑p, APP iso4 (human): Y682‑p, APP iso8 (human): Y738‑p, APP iso10 (human): Y626‑p, APP (mouse): Y757‑p, APP iso2 (mouse): Y682‑p, APP (rat): Y757‑p, APP iso2 (rat): Y682‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y376-p - ARHGAP42 (human)
Modsite: MDGKEPIytLPAIIS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ARHGAP42 (human): Y376‑p, ARHGAP42 (mouse): Y342‑p, ARHGAP42 (rat): Y376‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y55-p - ASMTL (human)
Modsite: kASFAtPyGyAMEtA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ASMTL (human): Y55‑p, ASMTL iso2 (human): Y55‑p, ASMTL (rat): Q55‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y57-p - ASMTL (human)
Modsite: SFAtPyGyAMEtAkQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ASMTL (human): Y57‑p, ASMTL iso2 (human): Y57‑p, ASMTL (rat): L57‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y74-p - ASMTL (human)
Modsite: LEVANrLyQkDLRAP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ASMTL (human): Y74‑p, ASMTL iso2 (human): Y74‑p, ASMTL (rat): S74‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y100-p - Calmodulin (human)
Modsite: FDkDGNGyIsAAELr SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Calmodulin (human): Y100‑p, Calmodulin (mouse): Y100‑p, Calmodulin (rat): Y100‑p, Calmodulin (chicken): Y100‑p, Calmodulin (sheep): Y100‑p, Calmodulin (cow): Y100‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y519-p - CATSPERG (human)
Modsite: PKELSIKyMARSFRG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CATSPERG (human): Y519‑p, CATSPERG (mouse): Y516‑p, CATSPERG (rat): Y516‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y707-p - CDCP1 (human)
Modsite: kGPAVGIyNDNINTE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CDCP1 (human): Y707‑p, CDCP1 (mouse): Y705‑p, CDCP1 (rat): Y705‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y15-p - CDK1 (human)
Modsite: EkIGEGtyGVVykGR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CDK1 (human): Y15‑p, CDK1 iso2 (human): Y15‑p, CDK1 (mouse): Y15‑p, CDK1 (rat): Y15‑p, CDK1 (chicken): Y15‑p, CDK1 (fruit fly): Y15‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y19-p - CDK1 (human)
Modsite: EGtyGVVykGRHkTT SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CDK1 (human): Y19‑p, CDK1 iso2 (human): Y19‑p, CDK1 (mouse): Y19‑p, CDK1 (rat): Y19‑p, CDK1 (chicken): Y19‑p, CDK1 (fruit fly): Y19‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y15-p - CDK2 (human)
Modsite: EkIGEGtyGVVykAR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CDK2 (human): Y15‑p, CDK2 iso2 (human): Y15‑p, CDK2 (mouse): Y15‑p, CDK2 (rat): Y15‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y19-p - CDK2 (human)
Modsite: EGtyGVVykARNkLT SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CDK2 (human): Y19‑p, CDK2 iso2 (human): Y19‑p, CDK2 (mouse): Y19‑p, CDK2 (rat): Y19‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y15-p - CDK3 (human)
Modsite: EkIGEGtyGVVyKAK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CDK3 (human): Y15‑p, CDK3 (mouse): Y15‑p, CDK3 (cow): Y15‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y19-p - CDK3 (human)
Modsite: EGtyGVVyKAKNRET SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CDK3 (human): Y19‑p, CDK3 (mouse): Y19‑p, CDK3 (cow): Y19‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y461-p - CEP128 (human)
Modsite: ATKQAERyLSELQQS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CEP128 (human): Y461‑p, CEP128 iso1 (human): Y461‑p, CEP128 (mouse): Y460‑p, CEP128 (rat): Y460‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y344-p - CHSY1 (human)
Modsite: EIVLMSKySNTEIHK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
CHSY1 (human): Y344‑p, CHSY1 (mouse): Y343‑p, CHSY1 (rat): Y343‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y210-p - Claudin-1 (human)
Modsite: APssGkDyV______ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Claudin‑1 (human): Y210‑p, Claudin‑1 (mouse): Y210‑p, Claudin‑1 (rat): Y210‑p, Claudin‑1 (chicken): Y210‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y321-p - DYRK1A (human)
Modsite: LGQRIyQyIQsRFYR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
DYRK1A (human): Y321‑p, DYRK1A iso2 (human): Y312‑p, DYRK1A iso4 (human): Y321‑p, DYRK1A (mouse): Y321‑p, DYRK1A (rat): Y321‑p, DYRK1A (rabbit):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y273-p - DYRK1B (human)
Modsite: LGQRIyQyIQsRFYR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
DYRK1B (human): Y273‑p, DYRK1B iso2 (human): Y273‑p, DYRK1B (mouse): Y273‑p, DYRK1B (rat): Y273‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1092-p - EGFR (human)
Modsite: tFLPVPEyINQsVPk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
EGFR (human): Y1092‑p, EGFR iso2 (human): , EGFR iso5 (human): , EGFR (mouse): Y1092‑p, EGFR (rat): Y1091‑p, EGFR (pig): Y1091‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1172-p - EGFR (human)
Modsite: IsLDNPDyQQDFFPk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
EGFR (human): Y1172‑p, EGFR iso2 (human): , EGFR iso5 (human): , EGFR (mouse): Y1172‑p, EGFR (rat): Y1171‑p, EGFR (pig): Y1171‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1197-p - EGFR (human)
Modsite: stAENAEyLRVAPQS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
EGFR (human): Y1197‑p, EGFR iso2 (human): , EGFR iso5 (human): , EGFR (mouse): Y1197‑p, EGFR (rat): Y1196‑p, EGFR (pig): Y1196‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y187-p - ERK2 (human)
Modsite: HtGFLtEyVAtRWyr SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ERK2 (human): Y187‑p, ERK2 (mouse): Y185‑p, ERK2 (rat): Y185‑p, ERK2 (chicken): Y195‑p, ERK2 (cow): Y187‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y403-p - exophilin 5 (human)
Modsite: EIDPADKyVyPRGFQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
exophilin 5 (human): Y403‑p, exophilin 5 iso2 (human): Y396‑p, exophilin 5 (mouse): Y398‑p, exophilin 5 (rat): Y393‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y576-p - FAK (human)
Modsite: RyMEDstyyKAsKGK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
FAK (human): Y576‑p, FAK iso2 (human): Y424‑p, FAK iso5 (human): Y576‑p, FAK (mouse): Y576‑p, FAK iso2 (mouse): Y607‑p, FAK iso4 (mouse): Y576‑p, FAK iso9 (mouse): , FAK (rat): Y576‑p, FAK (chicken): Y576‑p, FAK iso5 (chicken):
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y214-p - Fyn (human)
Modsite: KLDNGGyyITtRAQF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Fyn (human): Y214‑p, Fyn iso2 (human): Y214‑p, Fyn iso3 (human): Y214‑p, Fyn (mouse): Y214‑p, Fyn (rat): Y214‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y420-p - Fyn (human)
Modsite: RLIEDNEytARQGAk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Fyn (human): Y420‑p, Fyn iso2 (human): Y417‑p, Fyn iso3 (human): Y365‑p, Fyn (mouse): Y420‑p, Fyn (rat): Y420‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y313-p - GJA1 (human)
Modsite: sEQNWANysAEQNRM SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GJA1 (human): Y313‑p, GJA1 (mouse): Y313‑p, GJA1 (rat): Y313‑p, GJA1 (rabbit): Y313‑p, GJA1 (pig): Y313‑p, GJA1 (hamster): Y313‑p, GJA1 (cow): Y314‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1087-p - GRF-1 (human)
Modsite: DGFDPsDyAEPMDAV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GRF‑1 (human): Y1087‑p, GRF‑1 (mouse): Y1087‑p, GRF‑1 (rat): Y1087‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1105-p - GRF-1 (human)
Modsite: RNEEENIysVPHDst SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GRF‑1 (human): Y1105‑p, GRF‑1 (mouse): Y1105‑p, GRF‑1 (rat): Y1105‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y279-p - GSK3A (human)
Modsite: RGEPNVsyICsRyyR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GSK3A (human): Y279‑p, GSK3A (mouse): Y279‑p, GSK3A (rat): Y279‑p, GSK3A (cow): Y279‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y216-p - GSK3B (human)
Modsite: RGEPNVsyICsRyyR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GSK3B (human): Y216‑p, GSK3B iso2 (human): Y216‑p, GSK3B (mouse): Y216‑p, GSK3B (rat): Y216‑p, GSK3B (rabbit): Y216‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y380-p - GTF3C4 (human)
Modsite: SIkCVPLyHPyQKCS SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GTF3C4 (human): Y380‑p, GTF3C4 (mouse): Y376‑p, GTF3C4 (rat): Y376‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y383-p - GTF3C4 (human)
Modsite: CVPLyHPyQKCSCSL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GTF3C4 (human): Y383‑p, GTF3C4 (mouse): Y379‑p, GTF3C4 (rat): Y379‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y398-p - GTF3C4 (human)
Modsite: VVAARGSyVFWCLLL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
GTF3C4 (human): Y398‑p, GTF3C4 (mouse): Y394‑p, GTF3C4 (rat): Y394‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y25-p - HBA1 (human)
Modsite: VGAHAGEyGAEALER SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HBA1 (human): Y25‑p, HBA1 (mouse): Y25‑p, HBA1 (rat): Y25‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y352-p - HIPK1 (human)
Modsite: SkAVCstyLQsRYYR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HIPK1 (human): Y352‑p, HIPK1 iso2 (human): Y352‑p, HIPK1 iso4 (human): , HIPK1 (mouse): Y352‑p, HIPK1 (rat): Y352‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y361-p - HIPK2 (human)
Modsite: SkAVCstyLQsRYyR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HIPK2 (human): Y361‑p, HIPK2 (mouse): Y361‑p, HIPK2 (rat): Y361‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y359-p - HIPK3 (human)
Modsite: SkTVCstyLQsRYYR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
HIPK3 (human): Y359‑p, HIPK3 iso2 (human): Y359‑p, HIPK3 (mouse): Y359‑p, HIPK3 (rat): Y359‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y374-p - L-plastin (human)
Modsite: IANLFNRyPALHkPE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
L‑plastin (human): Y374‑p, L‑plastin (mouse): Y374‑p, L‑plastin (rat): Y374‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y394-p - Lck (human)
Modsite: RLIEDNEytAREGAk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Lck (human): Y394‑p, Lck iso3 (human): Y424‑p, Lck (mouse): Y394‑p, Lck (rat): Y394‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y395-p - MIG-6 (human)
Modsite: KVsstHyyLLPERPP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
MIG‑6 (human): Y395‑p, MIG‑6 (mouse): Y394‑p, MIG‑6 (rat): Y392‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y53-p - neuropsin (human)
Modsite: LSTFGNGyVLyMSSR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
neuropsin (human): Y53‑p, neuropsin (mouse): Y53‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y56-p - neuropsin (human)
Modsite: FGNGyVLyMSSRRKK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
neuropsin (human): Y56‑p, neuropsin (mouse): Y56‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y438-p - NPAS3 (human)
Modsite: YLLSNPEyKDTPMDI SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
NPAS3 (human): Y438‑p, NPAS3 (mouse): Y443‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y182-p - P38A (human)
Modsite: tDDEMtGyVAtRWYR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
P38A (human): Y182‑p, P38A iso2 (human): Y182‑p, P38A (mouse): Y182‑p, P38A iso3 (mouse): Y182‑p, P38A (rat): Y182‑p, P38A (salmonid): Y183‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y373-p - POR (human)
Modsite: SYRTALTyyLDITNP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
POR (human): Y373‑p, POR (mouse): Y373‑p, POR (rat): Y373‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y374-p - POR (human)
Modsite: YRTALTyyLDITNPP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
POR (human): Y374‑p, POR (mouse): Y374‑p, POR (rat): Y374‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y891-p - PROB1 (human)
Modsite: VDPESGRyyFVEAPR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PROB1 (human): Y891‑p, PROB1 (mouse): Y879‑p, PROB1 (rat): Y881‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y892-p - PROB1 (human)
Modsite: DPESGRyyFVEAPRQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PROB1 (human): Y892‑p, PROB1 (mouse): Y880‑p, PROB1 (rat): Y882‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y849-p - PRP4 (human)
Modsite: ADNDItPyLVsRFyR SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
PRP4 (human): Y849‑p, PRP4 (mouse): Y849‑p, PRP4 (rat): Y849‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y427-p - SHC1 (human)
Modsite: ELFDDPsyVNVQNLD SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SHC1 (human): Y427‑p, SHC1 iso2 (human): Y317‑p, SHC1 iso3 (human): Y272‑p, SHC1 iso6 (human): Y428‑p, SHC1 iso7 (human): Y318‑p, SHC1 (mouse): Y423‑p, SHC1 iso2 (mouse): Y313‑p, SHC1 iso3 (mouse): Y268‑p, SHC1 (rat): Y423‑p, SHC1 iso2 (rat): Y313‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y62-p - SHP-2 (human)
Modsite: KIQNtGDyyDLyGGE SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SHP‑2 (human): Y62‑p, SHP‑2 iso1 (human): Y62‑p, SHP‑2 (mouse): Y62‑p, SHP‑2 (rat): Y62‑p, SHP‑2 iso1 (rat): Y62‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y281-p - SLAM (human)
Modsite: EKKsLtIyAQVQKPG SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SLAM (human): Y281‑p, SLAM (mouse): Y288‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y138-p - SLC25A2 (human)
Modsite: KCRLQtMyEMEMSGK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SLC25A2 (human): Y138‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y41-p - SLC38A2 (human)
Modsite: QAALksHyADVDPEN SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
SLC38A2 (human): Y41‑p, SLC38A2 (mouse): Y41‑p, SLC38A2 (rat): Y41‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y419-p - Src (human)
Modsite: RLIEDNEytARQGAk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Src (human): Y419‑p, Src iso2 (human): Y425‑p, Src (mouse): Y418‑p, Src iso1 (mouse): Y424‑p, Src (rat): Y419‑p, Src (chicken): Y416‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y705-p - STAT3 (human)
Modsite: DPGsAAPyLktKFIC SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
STAT3 (human): Y705‑p, STAT3 iso2 (human): Y704‑p, STAT3 iso3 (human): Y705‑p, STAT3 (mouse): Y705‑p, STAT3 iso2 (mouse): Y705‑p, STAT3 iso3 (mouse): Y704‑p, STAT3 (rat): Y705‑p, STAT3 (cow): Y705‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y704-p - STAT3 iso2 (human)
Modsite: ADPGAAPyLktKFIC SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
STAT3 (human): Y705‑p, STAT3 iso2 (human): Y704‑p, STAT3 iso3 (human): Y705‑p, STAT3 (mouse): Y705‑p, STAT3 iso2 (mouse): Y705‑p, STAT3 iso3 (mouse): Y704‑p, STAT3 (rat): Y705‑p, STAT3 (cow): Y705‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y694-p - STAT5A (human)
Modsite: LAkAVDGyVkPQIkQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
STAT5A (human): Y694‑p, STAT5A (mouse): Y694‑p, STAT5A iso2 (mouse): , STAT5A (rat): Y694‑p, STAT5A (fruit fly): , STAT5A (sheep): Y694‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y699-p - STAT5B (human)
Modsite: tAkAVDGyVkPQIkQ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
STAT5B (human): Y699‑p, STAT5B (mouse): Y699‑p, STAT5B (rat): Y699‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y309-p - syndecan-1 (human)
Modsite: PTkQEEFyA______ SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
syndecan‑1 (human): Y309‑p, syndecan‑1 (mouse): Y310‑p, syndecan‑1 (rat): Y312‑p, syndecan‑1 (rabbit): Y310‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y552-p - TDRD6 (human)
Modsite: VKWKENGyyRAIVTK SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TDRD6 (human): Y552‑p, TDRD6 (mouse): Y558‑p, TDRD6 (rat): Y558‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y553-p - TDRD6 (human)
Modsite: KWKENGyyRAIVTKL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
TDRD6 (human): Y553‑p, TDRD6 (mouse): Y559‑p, TDRD6 (rat): Y559‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1242-p - VEGFR1 (human)
Modsite: ATSMFDDyQGDSSTL SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
VEGFR1 (human): Y1242‑p, VEGFR1 iso2 (human): , VEGFR1 iso8 (human): Y265‑p, VEGFR1 (mouse): Y1242‑p, VEGFR1 (rat): Y1242‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y61-p - Vimentin (human)
Modsite: AssPGGVyAtrssAV SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Vimentin (human): Y61‑p, Vimentin (mouse): Y61‑p, Vimentin (rat): Y61‑p, Vimentin (rabbit): Y61‑p, Vimentin (hamster): Y60‑p, Vimentin (cow): Y61‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y692-p - Vinculin (human)
Modsite: NPGNQAAyEHFEtMk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Vinculin (human): Y692‑p, Vinculin iso2 (human): Y692‑p, Vinculin (mouse): Y692‑p, Vinculin (rat): Y692‑p, Vinculin (chicken): Y692‑p, Vinculin (dog): Y692‑p, Vinculin (cow): Y692‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y822-p - Vinculin (human)
Modsite: ksFLDsGyRILGAVA SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Vinculin (human): Y822‑p, Vinculin iso2 (human): Y822‑p, Vinculin (mouse): Y822‑p, Vinculin (rat): Y822‑p, Vinculin (chicken): Y822‑p, Vinculin (dog): Y822‑p, Vinculin (cow): Y822‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y223-p - Yes (human)
Modsite: KLDNGGyyITtRAQF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Yes (human): Y223‑p, Yes (mouse): Y221‑p, Yes (rat): Y221‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y426-p - Yes (human)
Modsite: RLIEDNEytARQGAk SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
Yes (human): Y426‑p, Yes (mouse): Y424‑p, Yes (rat): Y424‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1524-p - ZO1 (human)
Modsite: QKTVtPAyNRFtPkP SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZO1 (human): Y1524‑p, ZO1 iso2 (human): Y1444‑p, ZO1 (mouse): Y1521‑p, ZO1 iso2 (mouse): Y1441‑p, ZO1 (rat): Y1521‑p, ZO1 (cow): Y1490‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human

Y1532-p - ZO1 (human)
Modsite: NRFtPkPyTsSARPF SwissProt Entrez-Gene
Orthologous residues
ZO1 (human): Y1532‑p, ZO1 iso2 (human): Y1452‑p, ZO1 (mouse): Y1529‑p, ZO1 iso2 (mouse): Y1449‑p, ZO1 (rat): Y1529‑p, ZO1 (cow): Y1498‑p
Methods used to characterize site in vivo mass spectrometry
Disease tissue studied:  lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer
Relevant cell lines - cell types - tissues:  lung
Cellular systems studied:  cell lines
Species studied:  human